GE Healthcare Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Cracking the Code: My Journey through the On-Campus Recruitment Process

I am sharing my Interview Experience for GE Healthcare. I am pursuing a B.Tech from SVNIT Surat.

Securing an internship in a prestigious company like GE Healthcare is a dream come true for many aspiring professionals. Recently, I had the privilege of participating in an on-campus recruitment drive conducted by this renowned organization. The journey was not just about landing an internship; it was an exhilarating, challenging, and profoundly enriching experience. Allow me to take you through the various stages of the process and shed light on the questions posed during the interviews.

The Online Test Round:

The recruitment process commenced with an online test comprising several sections. The first section tested our proficiency in mathematics, followed by questions based on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). The third section evaluated our command of the English language. Lastly, there was a coding round where we were tasked with solving two problems. The first one was relatively straightforward, while the second one delved into dynamic programming concepts.

The Interview Round:

Having cleared the online test, I advanced to the interview round. It was a 30-35 minute session where I faced a barrage of questions. The interviewers started with the customary request for a self-introduction. One crucial tip I’d like to share is to save your strongest points for the end of the introduction, as it often sets the tone for the subsequent questions.

I meticulously elaborated on my projects, especially those based on the MERN stack, assuming they would delve deeper into this domain. However, the unexpected transpired as they shifted focus to Data Structures and Algorithms. I was presented with three questions, all of which were relatively straightforward, encompassing topics like matrices and linked lists.

Sample Questions Asked:

Given an N*N matrix, find all the diagonals. Question 1

Implement insertion and deletion operations in a linked list. Question 2

Solve a mathematical problem. Question 3

Following this, the interview veered towards other technical subjects such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Database Management Systems (DBMS), and Java. While DBMS questions revolved around fundamental concepts like ACID properties and RDBMS, OOP inquiries touched upon inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Java queries, though unexpected, were manageable.

Sample Questions Asked:

  • Explain the concept of Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming.
  • What are the ACID properties in DBMS?
  • Differentiate between compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism in Java.

HR Round:

After the technical grilling, I faced the HR round, which was comparatively more relaxed. The questions were standard, focusing on my availability, strengths, weaknesses, and an overview of myself. Additionally, they inquired about my understanding of the organization and its operations, specifically regarding GE Healthcare.

Sample HR Questions:

  • Can you tell me about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to work with our company, particularly in GE Healthcare?

The Outcome:

Post the exhaustive rounds of assessment, I eagerly awaited the outcome. To my delight, I received an offer letter for the internship position within a day. The elation of being selected was unparalleled, signifying the culmination of my efforts and preparation.


Participating in the on-campus recruitment process for GE Healthcare was not just about securing an internship; it was a journey of self-discovery and growth. It reiterated the importance of thorough preparation across various technical and non-technical subjects and the significance of adaptability and composure in the face of challenges. As I embark on this new chapter of my career journey with GE Healthcare, I am grateful for the learnings garnered and the opportunities that lie ahead.