Geometry Symbols

Geometry Symbols: Various symbols are used in Geometry. Geometry is a branch of mathematics that explores the properties, relationships, and measurements of shapes, sizes, positions, and dimensions of objects in space. It delves into the study of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids, investigating their properties and interactions.

Geometry helps us understand spatial relationships, solve problems related to shapes, measure areas and volumes, and analyze structures in both the physical and abstract realms. Its applications extend across various fields, including engineering, architecture, art, physics, and technology.

Table of Content

  • List of Geometry Symbols
  • Geometry Symbols Chart
  • Examples
  • Practice Questions

List of Geometry Symbols

Various geometry symbols that are highly used are,

  • Angle Symbol (∠): Geometry employs the symbol ∠ to represent angles within shapes.
  • Similar Symbol (∼): The notation ∼ signifies the similarity between geometric figures.
  • Pie Symbol (π): π, the mathematical constant, whose value is approximately, 3.1415963231
  • Parallel Symbol (||): The parallel lines symbol (||) highlights lines that maintain a consistent distance.
  • Union Symbol (∪): In geometry, the symbol ∪ denotes the union of sets, often applied to geometric figures.
  • Intersection Symbol (∩): The symbol ∩ denotes the intersection of geometric shapes or sets.
  • Congruent Symbol (≅): The congruence symbol ≅ signifies that two shapes are identical in size and shape.
  • Square Root Symbol (√): The symbol √ represents the square root, frequently used in geometric calculations.
  • Infinity Symbol (∞): The infinity symbol (∞) finds application in concepts like asymptotes in geometry.
  • Perpendicular Symbol (⊥): The symbol ⊥ designates perpendicular lines that intersect at a right angle.
  • Summation Symbol (∑): The symbol ∑ is used for summation, applicable in geometric series and progressions.

Geometry Symbols Chart

Various Geometrical symbols and meanings are added in the table below,


Symbol Name

Meaning of Symbol


TriangleUse to Represent Triangles



Use to Represent Squares


CongruentRepresent Congruent Figures


Not Congruent

Represent Not Congruent Figures


PerpendicularRepresents Perpendicular line



Not Perpendicular

Represents Not Perpendicular lines


AngleFormed between two Rays


ParallelRepresents Parallel Lines


Not Parallel

Represents Not Parallel Lines


°DegreeUse to Measure Angles



1° = 60′



1′ = 60”


Identical to OR Equivalent to Use to represent two Idential situation and shapes


Right angleRepresent 90° Angles


SimilarRepresents Similar Figures


Not Similar

Represents Not Similar Figures


πpi Constantπ = 3.141592654…

C =π.d

|x–y|Distance SymbolDistance between x and y

|x–y| = 5

Line SegmentLine Segment starting from A to B

RayRay starting from A to B


Line AB



Grads Angle Unit

360º° = 400 grad



Radians Angle Unit

360° = 2π rad

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Geometry Symbols Examples

Example 1: In a right-angled triangle XYZ, ∠Y is a right angle. If the measure of ∠Z = 45°, what is the measure of ∠X?


Sum of angles in a triangle is 180°

Since ∠Y is a right angle (90°), ∠X + ∠Z + ∠Y = 180°

Substituting the given values: ∠X + 45° + 90° = 180°

Therefore, ∠X = 45°.

Example 2: If line segment AB is parallel to line segment CD, how is this represented geometrically?


Parallel lines are represented by the symbol ‘||’. Therefore, AB || CD.

Example 3: If two triangles PQR and LMN are congruent, how is this represented using geometric symbols?


Congruent triangles are represented by the symbol ‘≅’. Hence, PQR ≅ LMN.

Example 4: If a function f(x) is differentiable, how is this represented geometrically?


The symbol ‘∇’ denotes the gradient or the gradient vector.

Hence, if a function f(x) is differentiable, it can be denoted as ∇f(x).

Example 5: Describe the symbol ‘∆’ in geometry and illustrate it with an example.


The symbol ‘∆’ denotes a triangle. For instance, in triangle ABC, ∆ABC represents triangle ABC.

Practice Questions Geometry Symbols

Q1: Explain the difference between the symbols ‘∠’ and ‘⊥’ in geometric notation.

Q2: If two line segments are represented as AB and CD and are parallel, how would you denote this relationship using geometric symbols?

Q3: Define and illustrate the meaning of the symbol≅’ in geometry with an example.

Q4: Using ‘∇’, explain its significance in geometric representations, specifically in calculus or differential geometry.

Q5: What does the symbol ‘∆’ represent in geometry? Provide examples of different types of triangles denoted using this symbol.

Geometry Symbols – FAQs

1. What is the Points Symbol in Geometry?

The points symbol in geometry is typically represented by a capital letter (e.g., A, B, C) denoting specific points in space.

2. What is an Angle in Geometry Symbol?

The symbol for an angle in geometry is usually denoted by three points, with the middle point representing the vertex of the angle. For example, ∠ABC represents an angle with vertex B.

3. What is the Symbol C in Geometry?

The symbol “C” in geometry can represent various geometric elements. For instance, it is commonly used to denote a circle, where C(O, r) represents a circle with center O and radius r.

4. What Does the Symbol ‘∠’ Represent in Geometry?

The ‘∠’ symbol denotes an angle in geometry. It’s used to represent the measurement between two rays that share a common endpoint, known as the vertex.

5. What Does ‘≅’ Mean in Geometric Notation?

The symbol ‘≅’ stands for congruence in geometry. When applied between two geometric figures or angles, it signifies that they are congruent, having the same size and shape.

6. What is the Meaning of ‘∆’ in Geometry?

‘∆’ is the symbol for a triangle in geometry. It represents a polygon with three sides and three angles.

7. What Does ‘||’ Mean in Geometry?

The ‘||’ symbol represents parallel lines in geometry. It indicates that two lines never intersect and are always equidistant from each other.

8. What Does ‘⊥’ Stand in Geometric Notation?

The symbol ‘⊥’ denotes perpendicular lines or segments in geometry. It indicates that two lines or line segments intersect at a right angle (90 degrees).

9. What Does ‘∇’ Represent in Geometry?

‘∇’ signifies the gradient in vector calculus and differential geometry. It shows the direction and rate of the steepest ascent of a function at a specific point.

10. What Does ‘∠ABC’ Signify in Geometry?

‘∠ABC’ represents an angle formed at point B by rays BA and BC. The vertex of the angle is at point B.