Maths Symbols – Basic Mathematics Symbols

Maths symbols are figures or combinations of figures that represent mathematical objects, actions, or relations. They are used to solve mathematical problems quickly and easily.

Foundation of mathematics lies in its symbols and numbers. The symbols in mathematics are used to perform various mathematical operations. The symbols help us to define a relationship between two or more quantities. This article will cover some basic Math symbols along with their descriptions and examples.

Table of Content

  • Symbols in Maths
  • List of All Maths Symbols
  • Algebra Symbols in Maths
  • Geometry Symbols in Maths
  • Set Theory Symbol in Maths
  • Calculus and Analysis Symbols in Maths
  • Combinatorics Symbols in Maths
  • Numeral Symbols in Maths
  • Greek Symbols in Maths
  • Logic Symbols in Maths
  • Discrete Mathematics Symbols

Symbols in Maths

Symbols are the basic necessity to perform distinct operations in maths. There is a wide range of symbols used in maths with distinct meanings and uses. Some of the symbols used in mathematics even have pre-defined values or meanings. For example ‘Z’ is a symbol used to determine integers, similarly pi or π is a predefined symbol whose value is 22/7 or 3.14.

Symbols serve as the relation between distinct quantities. Symbols help to understand a topic in a better and more efficient way. The range of symbols in mathematics is huge, ranging from a simple addition ‘+’ to complex differentiation ‘dy/dx’ ones. Symbols are also used as a short form for various commonly used phrases or words, like “∵” is used for “because or since”.

Basic Symbols of Maths

Here are some basic math symbols:

  • Plus symbol (+): Signifies addition
  • Minus symbol (-): Signifies subtraction
  • Equals symbol (=)
  • Does not equal symbol (≠)
  • Multiplication symbol (×)
  • Division symbol (÷)
  • Greater than/less than symbols
  • Greater than or equal to/less than or equal to symbols (≥ ≤)

Other math symbols include:

  • Asterisk sign (*) or times sign (×)
  • Multiplication dot (⋅)
  • Division slash (/)
  • Inequality (≥, ≤)
  • Parentheses ( )
  • Brackets ()

List of All Maths Symbols

Symbols make our calculations easier and faster. For example, the ‘+’ symbol indicates that we are adding something. There are more than 10,000 symbols in mathematics, out of these few symbols are rarely used and few are used very frequently. The common and basic maths symbols along with their description and meaning are described in the table below:





plus a + b is the sum of a and b2 + 7 = 9


minus a – b is the difference of a and b14 – 6 = 8




a × b is the multiplication of a and b.

2 × 5 = 10


a . b is the multiplication of a and b.

7 2 = 14



a * b is the multiplication of a and b.

4 * 5 = 20



divided by
a ÷ b is the division of a by b5 ÷ 5 = 1
/a / b is the division of a by b16 ⁄ 8 = 2


is equal toIf a = b, a and b represent the same number.2 + 6 = 8


is less thanIf a < b, a is less than b17 < 45
>is greater thanIf a > b, a is greater than b19 > 6

minus – plus

minus or plusa ± b means both a + b and a – b5 ∓ 9 = -4 and 14

plus – minus

plus or minusa ± b means both a – b and a + b5 ± 9 = 14 and -4

decimal point

periodused to show a decimal number12.05 = 12 +(5/100)


mod ofused for remainder calculation16 mod 5 = 1


used to calculate the product of a number ‘a’, b times.73 = 343

square root

√a · √a = a√a is a nonnegative number whose square is ‘a’√16 = ±4

cube root

3√a ·3√a · 3√a = a 3√a is a number whose cube is ‘a’

3√81 = 3


fourth root

4√a ·4√a · 4√a · 4√a = a4√a is a non negative number whose fourth power is ‘a’4√625 = ± 5

n-th root (radical)

n√a · n√a · · · n times = a n√a is a number whose nth power is ‘a’for n = 5, n√32 = 2


1 % = 1/100used to calculate the percentage of a given number25% × 60
= 25 /100 × 60
= 15


1 ‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1%used to calculate one tenth of a percentage of a given number10 ‰ × 50
= 10/1000 × 50
= 0.5
ppmper-million1 ppm = 1/1000000used to calculate one millionth of a given number10 ppm × 50
= 10/1000000 × 50
= 0.0005

per – billion

1 ppb = 10-9used to calculate one billionth of a given number10 ppb × 50
= 10 × 10-9 × 50
= 5 × 10-7

per – trillion

1 ppt = 10-12used to calculate one trillionth of a given number10 ppt × 50
= 10 × 10-12 × 50
= 5 × 10-10

Algebra Symbols in Maths

Algebra is that branch of mathematics that helps us to find the value of unknown. The unknown value is represented by variables. Various operations are carried out to find the value of this unknown variable. Algebraic Symbols are used to represent the operations required for the calculation. Symbols used in Algebra are illustrated below:




x, y


unknown value

x = 2, represents the value of x is 2.

3x = 9 ⇒ x = 3

1, 2, 3….

Numeral constants


In x + 2, 2 is the numeral constant.

x + 5 = 10, here 5 and 10 are constant


is not equal toIf a b, a and b does not represent the same number.3 ≠ 5
Approximately equalis approximately equal toIf a ≈ b, a and b are almost equal.√2≈1.41


is defined as
is equal by definition
If a ≡ b, a is defined as another name of b(a+b)2 ≡ a2+ 2ab + b2
:= If a := b, a is defined by b

(a-b)2 := a2-2ab + b2

If a b, a is definition of b.



Strict Inequality

is less thanIf a < b, a is less than b17 < 45
>is greater thanIf a > b, a is greater than b19 > 6


is much less thanIf a < b, a is much less than b

1 << 999999999


is much greater thanIf a > b, a is much greater than b

999999999 >> 1


is less than or equal toIf a ≤ b, a is less than or equal to b3 ≤ 5 and 3 ≤ 3
is greater than or equal toIf a ≥ b, a is greater than or equal to b4 ≥ 1 and 4 ≥ 4
[ ]


Square bracketscalculate expression inside [ ] first, it has least precedence of all brackets[ 1 + 2 ] – [2 +4] + 4 × 5
= 3 – 6 + 4 × 5
= 3 – 6 + 20
= 23 – 6 = 17
( )parentheses (round brackets)calculate expression inside ( ) first, it has highest precedence of all brackets(15 / 5) × 2 + (2 + 8)
= 3 × 2 + 10
= 6 + 10
= 16

Proportionproportional to

If a ∝ b , it is used to show relation/ proportion between a and b

x ∝ y⟹ x = ky, where k is constant.


f(x) = x, is used to maps values of x to f(x)

f(x) = 2x + 5

!Factorialfactorialn! is the product 1×2×3…×n6! = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 = 720

Material implication


A ⇒ B means that if A is true, B must also be true, but if A is false, B is unknown.

x = 2 ⇒x2 = 4, but x2= 4 ⇒ x = 2 is false, because x could also be -2.

Material equivalence

if and only if

If A is true, B is true and if A is false, B is also false.

x = y + 4 ⇔ x-4 = y


Absolute value

absolute value of

|a| always returns the absolute or positive value

|5| = 5 and |-5| = 5

Geometry Symbols in Maths

In geometry, various symbols are used as a shorthand of some commonly used word. For example ‘⊥’ is used to determine that the lines are perpendicular to each other. Symbols used in geometry are illustrated below:





It is used to mention an angle formed by two rays

∠PQR = 30°

Right angle

It determines the angle formed is right angle i.e. 90°

∟XYZ = 90°



It describes a location in space.

(a,b,c) it is represented as a coordinate in space by a point.


It shows the line has a fixed starting point but no end point.

[Tex]\overrightarrow{\rm AB} [/Tex] is a ray.


Line Segment

It shows the line has a fixed starting point and a fixed end point.

[Tex]\overline{\rm AB} [/Tex] is a line segment.


It shows the line neither has a starting point nor an end point.

[Tex]\overleftrightarrow{\rm AB} [/Tex] is a line.

[Tex]\frown [/Tex]


It determines the degree of an arc from a point A to point B.

[Tex]\frown\over{\rm AB} [/Tex] = 45°


It shows that lines are parallel to each other.


Not parallel

It shows the lines are not parallel.



It shows that two lines are perpendicular i.e. they intersect each other at 90°


[Tex]\not\perp [/Tex]

Not perpendicular

It shows lines are not perpendicular to each other.

[Tex]AB\not\perp CD [/Tex]


It shows congruency between two shapes, i.e. two shapes are equivalent in shape and size.




It shows two shapes are similar to each other i.e. two shapes are similar in shape but not in size.



It is used to determine a triangular shape.

△ABC, represents ABC is a triangle.



It is a unit that is used to determine the measurement of an angle.

a = 30°

rad or c


360° = 2πc

grad or g


360° = 400g



It is used to determine distance between two points.

| x-y | = 5


pi constant

It is a predefined constant with value 22/7 or 3.1415926…

2π= 2 × 22/7 = 44/7

Set Theory Symbol in Maths

Some of the most common symbols in Set Theory are listed in the following table:



{ }SetIt is used to determine the elements in a set.{1, 2, a, b}
Such that
It is used to determine the condition of the set.

{ a | a > 5}


{ x : x > 0}

belongs toIt determines that an element belongs to a set.A = {1, 5, 7, c, a}
7 ∈ A
not belongs toIt indicates that an element does not belong to a set.A = {1, 5, 7, c, a}
0 ∉ A
= Equality Relation

It determines that two sets are exactly same.

A = {1, 2, 3} 
B = {1, 2, 3} then
A = B
SubsetIt represents all of the elements of set A are present in set B or set A is equals to set B

A = {1, 3, a}

B = {a, b, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

A ⊆ B

Proper SubsetIt represents all of the elements of set A are present in set B and set A is not equal to set B.

A = {1, 2, a}

B = {a, b, c, 2, 4, 5, 1} 

A ⊂ B

Not a SubsetIt determines A is not a subset of set B.

A = {1, 2, 3}

B = {a, b, c}

A ⊄ B

SupersetIt represents all of the elements of set B are present in set A or set A is equals to set B

A = {1, 2, a, b, c}

B = {1, a} 

A ⊇ B

Proper SupersetIt determines A is a superset of B but set A is not equal to set BA = {1, 2, 3, a, b}
B = {1, 2, a}
A ⊃ B
ØEmpty SetIt determines that there is no element in a set. { } = Ø
UUniversal SetIt is set that contains elements of all other relevant sets.A = {a, b, c}
B = {1, 2, 3}, then
U = {1, 2, 3, a, b, c}
|A| or n{A}Cardinality of a SetIt represents the number of items in a set.A= {1, 3, 4, 5, 2}, then |A|=5.
P(X)Power SetIt is the set that contains all possible subsets of a set A, including the set itself and the null set.

If A = {a, b}

P(A) = {{ }, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}

Union of SetsIt is a set that contains all the elements of the provided sets.

A = {a, b, c}

B = {p, q}

A ∪ B = {a, b, c, p, q}

Intersection of SetsIt shows the common elements of both sets.

A = { a, b}

B= {1, 2, a}

A ∩ B = {a}

XOR X’Complement of a setComplement of a set includes all other elements that does not belongs to that set.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

B = {1, 2, 3} then

X′ = A – B

X′ = {4, 5}

Set DifferenceIt shows the difference of elements between two sets.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, a, b, c}

B = {1, 2, a, b}

A – B = {3, 4, c}

× Cartesian Product of SetsIt is the product of the ordered components of the sets.

A = {1, 2} and B = {a}

A × B ={(1, a), (2, a)}

Calculus and Analysis Symbols in Maths

Calculus is a branch of maths that deal with rate of change of function and sum of infinitelously small values using the concept of limits. There are various symbol used in calculs learn all the symbols used in Calculus through the table added below,

SymbolSymbol Name in MathsMath Symbols MeaningExample
εepsilonrepresents a very small number, near-zeroε → 0
ee Constant/Euler’s Numbere = 2.718281828…e = lim (1+1/x)x , x→∞
limx→alimitlimit value of a functionlimx→2(2x + 2) = 2×2 + 2 = 6
y‘derivativederivative – Lagrange’s notation(4x2)’ = 8x
y”Second derivativederivative of derivative(4x2)” = 8
y(n)nth derivativen times derivationnth derivative of xn xn {yn(xn)} = n (n-1)(n-2)….(2)(1) = n!
dy/dxderivativederivative – Leibniz’s notationd(6x4)/dx = 24x3
dy/dxderivativederivative – Leibniz’s notation

d2(6x4)/dx2 = 72x2

dny/dxnnth derivativen times derivationnth derivative of xn xn {dn(xn)/dxn} = n (n-1)(n-2)….(2)(1) = n!
DxSingle derivative of timeDerivative-Euler’s Notation d(6x4)/dx = 24x3
D2xsecond derivativeSecond Derivative-Euler’s Notationd(6×4)/dx = 24×3
Dnxderivativenth derivative-Euler’s Notationnth derivative of xn {Dn(xn)} = n (n-1)(n-2)….(2)(1) = n!


partial derivativeDifferentiating a function with respect to one variable considering the other variables as constant∂(x5 + yz)/∂x = 5x4
integralopposite to derivation∫xn dx = xn + 1/n + 1  +  C
double integralintegration of the function of 2 variables∬(x + y) dx.dy
triple integralintegration of the function of 3 variables∫∫∫(x + y + z)
closed contour / line integralLine integral over closed curveC 2p dp
closed surface integralDouble integral over a closed surfaceV (⛛.F)dV = ∯S (F.n̂) dS
closed volume integralVolume integral over a closed three-dimensional domain∰ (x2 + y2 + z2) dx dy dz
[a,b]closed interval[a,b] = {x | a ≤ x ≤ b}cos x ∈ [ – 1, 1]
(a,b)open interval(a,b) = {x | a < x < b}f is continuous within (-1, 1)
z*complex conjugatez = a+bi → z*=a-biIf z = a + bi then z* = a – bi
iimaginary uniti ≡ √-1z = a + bi
nabla/delgradient / divergence operator∇f (x,y,z)
x * yconvolutionModification in a function due to the other function.y(t) = x(t) * h(t)
lemniscateinfinity symbolx ≥ 0; x ∈ (0, ∞)

Combinatorics Symbols in Maths

Combinatorics symbols used in maths to study combination of finite discrete structures. Various important combinatorics symbols used in maths are added in table as follows:


Symbol Name

Meaning or Definition


n!Factorial n! = 1×2×3×…×n4! = 1×2×3×4 = 24
nPkPermutationnPk = n!/(n – k)!4P2 = 4!/(4 – 2)! = 12
nCkCombinationnCk = n!/(n – k)!.k!4C2 = 4!/2!(4 – 2)! = 6

Numeral Symbols in Maths

There are various types of numbers used in mathematics by mathematician of various region and some of the most prominent number symbols such as Europeean Numbers and Roman Numbers in maths are,

one hundred100C

Greek Symbols in Maths

List of complete Greek alphabets is provided in the following table:

Greek Symbol

Greek Letter Name

English Equivalent

Lower Case

Upper Case


Logic Symbols in Maths

Some of the common logic symbols are listed in the following table:

¬Negation (NOT)It is not the case that¬P (Not P)
Conjunction (AND)Both are trueP ∧ Q (P and Q)
Disjunction (OR)At least one is trueP ∨ Q (P or Q)
Implication (IF…THEN)If the first is true, then the second is trueP → Q (If P then Q)
Bi-implication (IF AND ONLY IF)Both are true or both are falseP ↔ Q (P if and only if Q)
Universal quantifier (for all)Everything in the specified set∀x P(x) (For all x, P(x))
Existential quantifier (there exists)There is at least one in the specified set∃x P(x) (There exists an x such that P(x))

Discrete Mathematics Symbols

Some symbols related to Discrete Mathematics are:

Set of natural numbersPositive integers (including zero)0, 1, 2, 3, …
Set of integersWhole numbers (positive, negative, and zero)-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …
Set of rational numbersNumbers expressible as a fraction1/2, 3/4, 5, -2, 0.75, …
Set of real numbersAll rational and irrational numbersπ, e, √2, 3/2, …
Set of complex numbersNumbers with real and imaginary parts3 + 4i, -2 – 5i, …
n!Factorial of nProduct of all positive integers up to n5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
nCk or C(n, k)Binomial coefficientNumber of ways to choose k elements from n items5C3 = 10
G, H, …Names for graphsVariables representing graphsGraph G, Graph H, …
V(G)Set of vertices of graph GAll the vertices (nodes) in graph GIf G is a triangle, V(G) = {A, B, C}
E(G)Set of edges of graph GAll the edges in graph GIf G is a triangle, E(G) = {AB, BC, CA}
|V(G)|Number of vertices in graph GTotal count of vertices in graph GIf G is a triangle, |V(G)| = 3
|E(G)|Number of edges in graph GTotal count of edges in graph GIf G is a triangle, |E(G)| = 3
SummationSum over a range of values∑_{i=1}^{n} i = 1 + 2 + … + n
Product notationProduct over a range of values∏_{i=1}^{n} i = 1 × 2 × … × n

FAQs on Maths Symbols

What are Basic Arithmetic Symbols?

Basic Arithmetic Symbols are Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (× or ·), and Division (÷ or /).

What is the Meaning of Equal Sign?

Equal Sign means that two expressions on either side are equivalent in value.

What does Pi represents in Maths?

Pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159.

What is the Symbol for Addition?

Symbol for addition in maths is “+” and it is used to add any two numeric values.

What is e Symbol in Mathematics?

Symbol “e” in maths represents Euler’s number which approximately equals to 2.71828.

Which Symbol represents Infinity?

Infinity is represented by ∞, it is represented by a horizontal eight also known as a lazy-eight.