Get Financial Data from Yahoo Finance with Python

This article will show how to get financial data from Yahoo Finance using Python. We can retrieve company financial information (e.g. financial ratios), as well as historical market data by using this. 

Installation of Yahoo Finance Module in Python

Let us install them via pip commands

pip install yfinance

Once it is installed, we can import yfinance package in Python code. We need to pass as an argument of Ticker i.e. the company’s ticker.

Note: A stock symbol or a ticker is a unique series of letters assigned to a security for trading purposes. For example:

  1. For Amazon, it is “AMZN”
  2. For Meta, it is “META”
  3. For Google, it is “GOOGL”

Retrieving Financial Data from Yahoo Finance

Below are various examples that depict how to retrieve Financial Data from Yahoo Finance: 

Example 1: Getting META Financial Information

Let us take the results for Meta and hence use the “META” ticker.


import yfinance as yahooFinance
# Here We are getting Facebook financial information
# We need to pass FB as argument for that
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
# whole python dictionary is printed here


META Financial Information

Example 2: Getting META key metrics

We can retrieve financial key metrics like Company Sector, Price Earnings Ratio, and Company Beta from the above dictionary of items quickly.


import yfinance as yahooFinance
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
# display Company Sector
print("Company Sector : ",['sector'])
# display Price Earnings Ratio
print("Price Earnings Ratio : ",['trailingPE'])
# display Company Beta
print(" Company Beta : ",['beta'])

Output :

Company Sector :  Communication Services
Price Earnings Ratio : 29.883211
Company Beta : 1.198099

Example 3: Getting META information in key-value pairs

Though we have retrieved a few financial key metrics, as it is a dictionary value, we can split that by means of key-value pair. 


import yfinance as yahooFinance
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
# get all key value pairs that are available
for key, value in
    print(key, ":", value)

Output :

META information in key-value pairs

Example 4: Getting META historic data

We can retrieve historical market prices too and display them.


import yfinance as yahooFinance
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
# Let us  get historical stock prices for Facebook
# covering the past few years.
# max->maximum number of daily prices available
# for Facebook.
# Valid options are 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y,
# 5y, 10y and ytd.

Output :

META historic data

 Example 5: Getting all the rows of META historical data

If we want to display all the rows of a ticker symbol, we will use the Python Pandas module and set the set_option() function to display maximum rows.


import yfinance as yahooFinance
import pandas as pd
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
# Let us  get historical stock prices for Facebook
# covering the past few years.
# max->maximum number of daily prices available
# for Facebook.
# Valid options are 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y,
# 5y, 10y and ytd.


META historic data for all rows

Example 6: Getting META information for a particular period of time

Even we can have the data for 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, and ytd. Let us check out for 6 months


import yfinance as yahooFinance
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
# Valid options are 1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y,
# 2y, 5y, 10y and ytd.


META information for 6 months

Example 7: Getting META information for the provided date range

We have the flexibility to get historical market data for the provided start and end dates too.


import yfinance as yahooFinance
# in order to specify start date and
# end date we need datetime package
import datetime
# startDate , as per our convenience we can modify
startDate = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 31)
# endDate , as per our convenience we can modify
endDate = datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 30)
GetFacebookInformation = yahooFinance.Ticker("META")
# pass the parameters as the taken dates for start and end


META information for a date range