Multithreaded download of yahoo stock history with Python – yfinance

Yfinance is a python package that enables us to fetch historical market data from Yahoo Finance API in a Pythonic way. It becomes so easy for all the Python developers to get data with the help of yfinance.

We can easily download historical stock data from yfinance, but the problem is, it is very time taking. Hence, we use multithreading for covering up the time. Multithreading enables us to download large amounts of data by executing multiple threads concurrently.


This module does not come built-in with Python. To install it type the below command in the terminal.

pip install yfinance

Let’s see the process step by step which are explained below with the implementation:

Step 1: Get all the required modules


import yfinance as yf



Step 2: Getting stocks history data 



# Get the stocks info
import yfinance as yf
# Ticker is a function responsible
# for fetching the data MSFT is
# representing info about Microsoft
# Corporation
msft = yf.Ticker('MSFT')
# will return all information
# about microsoft corporation
data = msft.history()
# printing the data


This is a recent year’s stock data of Microsoft Corporation. Please note that if we use data = msft.history(period=’max’) it will return all data till now.

Step 3: Downloading the data


# pip install yfinance
import yfinance as yf
# Here we use function
data =
    # tickers has value of company
    # shortname
# printing the data


Hence, 1 of 1 download is completed.  It is all data from beginning to end till now of only one company.

Step 4: Download the data from several companies 

This is a code for downloading the data from companies like IBM, Apple (AAPL), Amazon(AMZN), Microsoft(MSFT), etc.


# pip install yfinance
import yfinance as yf
ticker_list = ['IBM', 'MSFT', 'AAPL', 'AMZN']
# Here we use function
data =
    # passes the ticker
    # used for access data[ticker]
# used for making transpose
data = data.T
for t in ticker_list:
    # printing name
    # used data.loc as it takes only index
    # labels and returns dataframe






Step 5: Calculating the time of execution and using multithreading


As yfinance uses its own built-in threading technique for mass downloading. To do this, We need to assign a new parameter in a


data =


    threads=True, # Set thread value to true




Program for calculating time, we use the time module



# pip install yfinance
import yfinance as yf
import time
# Time starts from here
start = time.time()
ticker_list = ['IBM', 'MSFT', 'AAPL', 'AMZN']
# Here we use function
data =
# used for making transpose
data = data.T
for t in ticker_list:
    # used data.loc as it takes only index
    # labels and returns dataframe
# Total time calculated
print('The program takes ', time.time()-start, 'seconds.')

Before thread:

After thread: