Goldman Sachs Interview Experience Summer Analyst Internship

Round-1 (Aptitude Test):

The first step in the interview process was an Aptitude Test in August end, which had question distribution in sections below:

  1. Numerical Computations
  2. Numerical Reasoning
  3. Comprehension
  4. Abstract Reasoning
  5. Diagrammatic Reasoning
  6. Logical Reasoning

The questions were MCQs, with correct answers earning 5 marks and incorrect ones resulting in a deduction of 2 marks.

Tips: This aptitude test was quite challenging. I recommend practicing previous years’ GS questions to increase your chances.

After this round, a learning module was supposed to be completed by all those who passed/cleared this round.

Round-2 (Technical Test):

After clearing the aptitude test, I received confirmation in September. Then we were given approx 30 days to complete the learning module. The next stage was the technical assessment in 2nd week of November. The test comprised 5 sections.

Section 1: 2 programming questions

– LeetCode :- medium level questions

Section 2: Problem Solving (10 MCQs)

– Covered topics like probability, statistics, number theory, set theory, algebra, trigonometry, and logical reasoning

Section 3: Computer Science (7 MCQs)

– Questions on CS fundamentals, data structures, algorithms, operating systems (process scheduling), OOPs, and output types

Section 4: 2 subjective questions (15 minutes)

– Answered in 200 words each, based on provided scenarios

Round-3 (Interviews):

With God’s grace, got a mail on 4 december that we have a scheduled virtual meet regarding next round. And we got the interview dates and mail (for the same) within 2-3 days. My Interview round(all 3) were scheduled on 11th december, 2023.

Round 1 (Technical Interview): (Live Coding)

Started around 11:15 am with basic introductions.

Q 1:- Given a cost matrix Cost[][] where Cost[i][j] denotes the Cost of visiting cell with coordinates (i,j), find a min-cost path to reach a cell (x,y) from cell (0,0) under the condition that you can only travel one step right or one step down. (We assume that all costs are positive integers).

My approach : It is very easy to note that if you reach a position (i,j) in the grid, you must have come from one cell higher, i.e. (i-1,j) or from one cell to your left , i.e. (i,j-1). This means that the cost of visiting cell (i,j) will come from the following recurrence relation: MinCost(i,j) = min(MinCost(i-1,j),MinCost(i,j-1)) + Cost[i][j]

Means that to reach cell (i,j) with minimum cost, first reach either cell(i-1,j) or cell (i,j-1) in as minimum cost as possible. From there, jump to cell (i,j). This brings us to the two important conditions which need to be satisfied for a dynamic programming problem

Q 2: Second question was related to spiral matrix.

Round 2 (Technical Interview):

(Live Coding)

Began after a break at approx 3:00 PM.


Medium-level array and linkedlist coding question

CS Fundamental questions

Database Queries

Some OOPS based questions.

Interviewer appreciated my coding skills and we had a positive discussion.

Round 3 (Technical And Managerial Round):

This round held at around 6:15 in the evening. He was the first interviewer from all the interview round who asked for my introduction. He asked some algos of Trees and Graph.

I was supposed to just tell the algorithm but i was able to code the Tree based question which had a positive impact on him. Then he asked some behavioural questions. And the interview ended with a good note of appreciation from his end.

Best part: I got the offer from Goldman Sachs summer analyst position on 13th December itself.

Tips for Interviewees:

1. Preparation: Review past interview experiences on platforms like w3wiki (GFG) to understand company preferences.

2. Technical Skills: Focus on data structures, algorithms, problem-solving, and programming languages.

3. Behavioral Skills: Prepare for questions on teamwork, conflict resolution, and career motivations.

4. Mock Interviews: Practice mock interviews to build confidence and refine your responses.

5. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of industry trends and technologies relevant to the company.