Goldman Sachs Work Experience As A Summer Analyst Internship

Goldman Sachs is a big financial institution that is well known due to its dominance in the financial market. I joined the firm as a summer analyst and was a part of the software team. I want to share my experience of working as an intern in the company.


The company provided us the provision for the first week which was a full one-week stay at a 5-star hotel. My location was based in Hyderabad, India therefore, the hotel was in Hyderabad. The interns who were Hyderabad-based were not provided with the accommodation. In addition to that, the firm was responsible for booking our round ticket and incurred all the costs.


Right from the first week, we were introduced to the team and division that we had for the full internship duration. The work can’t be revealed due to the compliance policy. We were assigned mentors or buddies who guided us throughout the journey, from getting started with the tech stack to solving the bugs, they were helpful at every point. Throughout the internship, we had fun sessions and even some hectic weeks where we were accompanied by our manager and the team. During the last week of our internship, we were supposed to finish our project and timely submit it.


Once our internship ended, we were given some goodies by the firm which included a t-shirt, a mug, a diary, and a pen with Goldman Sachs engraved on it. The goodies were quite good and everyone was quite excited to receive them.

Overall, the experience was quite good. I got to learn a lot of things and made a lot of connections. Although there were some tough times during the internship, we were always supported by our mentors at every step.