Top 10 Google Bard Alternatives for Writers in 2024 (Free and Paid)

In the ever-evolving world of content creation, the quest for efficiency and innovation leads many writers to seek gemini (google bard) alternatives, a popular AI writing tool. AI tools are transforming content creation, set to hit a $267 billion market by 2027.

Only 12% of businesses use AI now, but that’s expected to rise as it boosts productivity by 40%. Writers are increasingly turning to AI, like Bard alternatives, to keep pace with this industry shift. This article provides the list of top 10 Google Bard alternatives for Writers, offering writers innovative tools that promise to enhance their creative process and efficiency​.

Top 10 Google Bard Alternatives for Writers in 2024 (Free and Paid)

  • How Generative AI is Helping Content Writers
  • List of Top 10 Google Bard Alternatives for Writers
  • Claude AI
  • ChatGPT
  • Jasper
  • Summarizer – Free
  • Microsoft Bing – Free
  • Rewording Tool – Free
  • Elicit
  • QuillBot
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Microsoft Co-Pilot
  • How do I choose the right AI writing assistant for my needs?

How Generative AI is Helping Content Writers

Generative AI is like a helpful assistant for content writers. Here’s how it’s making their lives easier:

1. Writing Assistance: Generative AI tools, such as Bard, help writers come up with ideas and even write content faster.

2. Boosting Creativity: These tools can inspire writers with new ideas and help them think outside the box when they’re stuck.

3. Saving Time: Generative AI speeds up the writing process by handling repetitive tasks like planning and drafting.

4. Research Help: AI can find useful information from different sources, making research quicker and easier.

5. Language Support: These tools can check grammar and spelling, making sure the final content is error-free.

6. Tailored Content: AI analyzes what readers like and helps writers make content that suits their preferences.

7. Adapting to Different Platforms: AI can adjust content for different places, like websites or social media.

8. Improving Content: AI shows writers how well their content is doing and suggests ways to make it better next time.

List of Top 10 Google Bard Alternatives for Writers

This article looks into the top 10 Google Bard alternatives for Writers in 2024, offering innovative tools that can enhance the creative process and efficiency. From NLP-friendly assistants to versatile companions, these alternatives cater to various writing needs. Let’s explore them. We’ve provided detailed information including features, pros, cons, and pricing for each alternative.

Here are the 10 best Google Bard alternatives listed below:

1. Claude AI

Claude AI was launched by Anthropic in 2023. It is one of the Google Bard alternatives for writers seeking an AI assistant. When we are specifically discussing AI content, it needs to be NLP-friendly. Just like Bard, Claude AI is very good when it comes to creative writing, summarization, copywriting, and several other things. It is extremely handy when it comes to other languages, as it can process content faster.

Claude has a user-friendly interface, which makes it easier for you to chat or to ask for writing tasks. It’s advanced algorithms and machine learning that ensure responses are not just smart but also NLP-friendly.

The biggest downside of Claude is that it is not entirely free. It means you can start using it for free before exceeding your daily word limit!


  • Here are some key features Claude AI offers:
  • Claude AI provides detailed explanations to questions using simple language and easy to understand words.
  • Summarizes complex topics clearly while maintaining key details.
  • Writes original content on demand on a wide range of subjects.


  • It is trained with a “constitutional AI” approach for ethical conduct and harmlessness.
  • You can hold natural, engaging conversations on diverse topics.
  • It helps with debugging and code generation.
  • It can handle text processing, translation, creative writing, and Q&A tasks.
  • It Allows personalized settings for name, voice, and personality.


  • It is currently in closed beta. This means most users can’t use it immediately.
  • Claude has less experience and data compared to established LLMs.
  • It is susceptible to biases present in its training data.
  • Its focus on safety and factuality may restrain imaginative outputs.
  • Unlike Bard, Claude doesn’t have much public information about the development process or technical details.

Price: Claude AI offers both free & Pro versions. Claude Pro is available for a monthly price of $20 (US) or £18 (UK) excluding tax.

2. ChatGPT

OpenAI made a breakthrough into the AI conversational world when they launched ChatGPT in November 2022. Shortly after, ChatGPT became the fastest app to reach 100 million users in just two months! Content is perhaps the main factor behind the success of the World Wide Web.

People love creating and consuming content, and ChatGPT revolutionized this industry. ChatGPT uses GPT-3 and GPT-4 models, which are trained on huge datasets. It helps writers in several ways. Just like you can generate content, summarize or proofread, check grammar mistakes, or get quick assistance regarding other writing tasks.

ChatGPT allows many plugins and extensions, so a writer can install, add, and enhance their writing abilities which makes it one of the supreme Google Bard alternatives.

ChatGPT works better when you give proper prompts. As a content writer, you can learn all those prompts so that it provides you with quality content.


  • Provides easy-to-understand explanations across various topics.
  • Condenses complex subjects without losing vital information.
  • Generates original content on demand for a wide range of subjects.


  • ChatGPT is really quick. It helps writers generate quality content in very little time.
  • Besides English, you can generate content in more than 50 other languages.
  • It is totally free, meaning that you don’t have to pay anything to write an article.
  • You can build your own GPTs and train them accordingly. This is very helpful for content marketers who want to generate quality content in bulk.


  • ChatGPT works better with prompts. It becomes difficult for junior writers to generate quality content especially when they have little to no knowledge of prompt.
  • ChatGPT content is usually difficult to read. It usually takes a lot of time to humanize AI content and improve its readability.
  • A senior content specialist can simply read to detect AI content. ChatGPT content usually has a lot of jargon and it lacks personalization. It also lacks reasoning meaning that it tends to provide similar words repeatedly.
  • ChatGPT doesn’t have the depth, personalization, human touch, fact checking which makes a content perform better.

Price: ChatGPT has both free and Pro versions. You can simply use its free version to do whatever writing task you have. Meanwhile, if you want quicker speed, more better output, you’d need to buy their pro version. It costs $25. With pro version, you can use extensions or train your own GPT.

3. Jasper

Jasper is a fairly old but extremely important writing tool. It belongs to the earliest AI writing tools capable of providing quality content. Bard, ChatGPT, and Claude belong to generative AI, meaning that they are not specifically writing tools. A user can use them for generating content, but they are just language models.

Jasper, on the other hand, is specifically designed to assist with writing tasks. It can help you generate content or improve existing content easily. What’s unique about Jasper is its focus on being helpful and practical.

While it can handle various tasks like writing and data analysis, its main goal is to provide clear and useful answers. Jasper’s technology is similar to other big AI models, but it stands out for its user-friendly approach and problem-solving abilities.


  • Streamlines tasks with smart automation capabilities, boosting efficiency.
  • Provides valuable data-driven insights for informed decision-making.
  • Easily integrates with various platforms for a smooth workflow experience.


  • Jasper helps you automate repetitive writing tasks.
  • It provides research and content ideas.
  • It helps you check grammar and spelling.
  • You can summarize long articles.
  • Jasper analyzes tone and word choice before providing you the content.


  • Like all other AI writing tools, Jasper lacks human creativity.
  • There’s always a risk of copied or spun content.
  • As a content writer, you need oversight to avoid errors.
  • Sometimes it provides content which is totally opposite to the context you are looking for.


Jasper is a costly alternative to Bard, Claude and ChatGPT . It is because the tool is specifically designed to generate content. Jasper has three pricing plan:

  • Business: This plan is not for individual writers but for a content marketing agency. It is a customized plan as per the requirement of a content agency.
  • Pro: This plan costs $59 per month. You can add up to 5 other partners or team members as per this plan.
  • Creator: This plan is specifically for individual writers starting at $39 per month.

4. Summarizer – Free

Content writers can use Bard for summarizing their content. Like other generative AI tools, Bard also provides a quick way of summarizing. Just because it isn’t specifically made for summarizing, content writers look for other Free Google Bard alternatives to get better output. Summarizer is one of those content creation tool which can help writers with their content creation.

A text summary isn’t just shortening the words. A good summary is all about having the context, tone, and summary of key information in a concise and clear way.

Text summarizer is an online tool and the best replacement for generating content summaries. It is designed this way to read and understand the content before providing its summary. This summarizing tool uses an advanced AI algorithm along with LLMs and NLP to understand context before providing a quality NLP-friendly text summary.


  • Condenses lengthy texts into concise, coherent summaries.
  • Allows users to adjust summary length and focus on key points.
  • Capable of summarizing multiple texts simultaneously for comprehensive insights.
  • It helps users with two modes to summarize text effectively.


  • It is as quick as Bard or any other tool is.
  • It is totally free and provides NLP friendly text summary.
  • It understands context and provides sentences which look natural.


  • It occasionally stops working but when it does, it prompts users that they are upgrading.
  • You cannot specify in which tone you want a text summary. The tool follows the default tone of the content before providing its summary.
  • You can only summarize 500 words in a single go.

Price: Free

5. Microsoft Bing – Free

As Google Bard gains popularity, some are looking into Free Google Bard alternatives that offer similar conversational AI capabilities. One option is Microsoft Bing, which recently integrated AI from OpenAI into its search engine. Bing aims to have more up-to-date information and real-time responses than ChatGPT.

Early demos suggest Bing can answer questions more contextually, admit mistakes, and reject inappropriate requests. It tries to blend search engine and chatbot capabilities for a unique user experience.


  • Conversational AI for questions and answers.
  • Integration of OpenAI models.
  • Aims for up-to-date, accurate information.


  • It has more current information/real-time responses as compared to Bard or other generative AI tools.
  • It provides sources/links while mentioning.
  • Adaptable with user feedback.


  • It is still in early preview stage.
  • Like others, it too have accuracy and capability limits.

Pricing: Free

6. Rewording Tool – Free

The majority of the content writers use Bard or other AI tools for generating content and rewording. The rewording tool is another excellent Free Google Bard alternatives that allows users to paraphrase information in a better way.

The majority of the rewriting tools use old technologies to paraphrase. This makes content either too robotic or lacks quality. The rewording tool is specifically trained to provide human-like text outputs.

It works as your writing assistant and paraphrases average or AI content effectively using its advanced AI models. The tool uses popular technologies like machine learning, NLP, and deep learning. As a content writer, you’ll see that the content is very similar to human writing.

Just because it is another AI tool, you still require some editing to enhance content quality and effectiveness. This tool is a very good Bard alternative for all writers, students, and other professionals.


  • Rewords sentences and text passages while maintaining the original meaning.
  • Provides synonyms and alternate phrasing to enhance content uniqueness.
  • Helps refine writing style and corrects grammatical errors for polished content.
  • Provides different sentence suggestions in case you are not satisfied with the default.


  • It is quick and provides content near to human writing.
  • As a content writer you require little to no effort for fine tuning the content.
  • It provides several modes such standard, fluency and formal.
  • Makes content easier to read with little to no grammatical mistakes.


  • It is a bit slow if we compare it with other generative AI tools.
  • It doesn’t offer modes like “Professional, Persuasive, Casual or others”.

Price: Free

7. Elicit

Elicit is a new AI tool that’s different from other writing and research tools. The cool thing about Elicit is that it’s not just for writing. It’s really good at sorting out and understanding a lot of information.

This is great for people who need to do research or organize big chunks of data. Elicit makes it easier to find what you need and understand it quickly. It’s simple to use and really useful for students, researchers, or anyone who deals with lots of information.


  • Gathers comprehensive data and generates detailed reports for informed decision-making.
  • Allows creation of tailored surveys with various question formats for specific needs.
  • Provides immediate access to survey responses and trends for timely actions.


  • Basic: The basic plan has 5000 credits. One credit equals to one word.
  • Plus: This plan is for professional writers who want to use it regularly. It costs $10 per month.
  • Enterprise: This plan is for content marketing agencies who want to use this tool in bulk. They provide customized price as per the requirement of the company and their daily usage.

Read More :

8. QuillBot

Quillbot is an alternative tool to Bard, designed to assist with writing and editing tasks. Made by tech experts, Quillbot is great for making writing better. It changes words in text to make it sound nicer, without starting from scratch. This is great for enhancing clarity, avoiding repetition, and ensuring originality.

It’s user-friendly and particularly helpful for anyone looking to polish their writing, like students, writers, or professionals. Quillbot offers a straightforward way to improve and diversify the way you express ideas in writing.


  • Rewrites sentences and paragraphs while preserving original meaning and context.
  • Offers rephrasing and translation in multiple languages for global accessibility.
  • Provides grammar checks, synonym suggestions, and style improvements.


  • It can help rewrite and enhance written content.
  • It offers free and paid subscription plans with varying features.
  • It has a simple and easy-to-use interface.
  • It is really quick and support multiple language.


  • The accuracy of paraphrasing can be inconsistent at times.
  • Its free version has limited capabilities and word count. It only allows you to paraphrase 125 words in a single go.
  • The paid plans can get expensive for extensive use.
  • It doesn’t always maintain the original meaning/intent.

Price: Freemium plans

  • Monthly: It costs $9.95 per month. While you get unlimited words for paraphrasing, you can only summarize up to 6000 words in a month.
  • Semi-annual: It costs $6.66 every 6 months the same features and limitations.
  • Annual: It costs $49.95 per year with the same features and limitations.

9. Paragraph Generator

AI tools are becoming more efficient rapidly. Early on the content quality wasn’t great and the content looked more robotic and less efficient. While Bard is an excellent tool, Paragraph generator is the best free alternative a writer can get. It helps writers to quickly generate, rewrite, summarize and expand paragraphs – Google Bard Alternatives

The best thing about this tool is that it offers different modes such as standard, formal, professional, and conversational. As a content writer, you can easily generate a paragraph and change its tone which resembles your style of writing.

Paragraph generator also uses AI models which are trained to provide human-like content. The tool fine-tunes content so that there’s no grammar or spelling mistake before showing it to the users.


  • You can select the tone of the paragraph.
  • You can edit or download the output this tool provides.
  • You can give topics or prompts so that you can get paragraph as per your expectation.


  • You can summarize multiple paragraphs instantly.
  • It doesn’t have a word limit or usage limit.
  • You can rewrite paragraphs or expand them based on their context.


  • It only offers 4 writing styles i.e. standard, formal, professional and conversational.
  • It doesn’t generate multiple paragraphs at once.
  • You cannot edit generated paragraph to fine tune. But, you can copy text or download in a txt format.

Price: Free

10. Microsoft Co-Pilot

Microsoft Co-Pilot is a compelling Google Bard alternative for writers seeking AI-powered assistance in their content creation journey. Co-Pilot offers a range of features that make it a valuable companion. Its extensive knowledge base, powered by Microsoft’s vast resources, ensures writers have access to a wealth of information for research and reference.

Co-Pilot excels in code generation, making it an excellent choice for technical writers. Its code suggestions are accurate and save time for developers. Moreover, the tool provides contextual suggestions, helping writers maintain consistency in tone and style throughout their content.


  • Rich knowledge base for comprehensive research.
  • Accurate code generation for technical writers.
  • Contextual suggestions enhance content quality.
  • Integration with popular code editors.


  • Requires an internet connection for full functionality.
  • May not cover niche or specialized topics as comprehensively.



  • Copilot Pro: $20 per user per month. This grants access to the basic features of CoPilot, including code completion, translation, and email writing suggestions.


  • Copilot for Microsoft 365: $30 per user per month (with an annual commitment). This includes all the features of Copilot Pro, plus integration with various Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, and OneNote. It also offers advanced features like AI chat and data connection with third-party apps.

How do I choose the right AI writing assistant for my needs?

Choosing the right AI writing assistant means considering a few things to make sure it suits your needs. Here’s what to think about:

1. Purpose: Figure out what you’ll use it for—like writing blog posts, social media content, or marketing copy.

2. Features: Look for things like templates, grammar check, browsing, and language support.

3. Ease of Use: Choose one that’s easy to use, so you don’t spend ages learning it.

4. Customization: See if you can personalize it to match your writing style.

5. Budget: Decide what you can afford—some are free, while others cost money.

6. Reviews: Check what other users say about it to get a real sense of how it works.

7. Integration: Make sure it works with the platforms you already use, like Google Docs or WordPress.

8. Content Quality: Check if the writing it generates is up to your standards.

Final Thoughts

The use of AI writing assistants like Bard has opened up many possibilities for writers in 2024. There are now numerous free and paid Google Bard alternatives that can help with various aspects of the writing process. While Bard is incredibly powerful, options like Claude, ChatGPT, and many others give writers more choice. Though their capabilities differ, together these AI tools are transforming how writers research, outline, draft, and edit. The future of writing with this new generation of intelligent assistants is wide open. We hope that this guide is informative and helps all writers to use alternative tools in free or paid plans.

Google Bard Alternatives for Writers – FAQs

Is Google Bard better than ChatGPT?

Google Bard and ChatGPT are powerful AI models, each with its own focus. Bard is for content creation, ideal for writers and creators, while ChatGPT is tailored for conversational AI. Your choice depends on what you need: Bard for content generation and ChatGPT for conversational AI.

What is more powerful than ChatGPT?

New AI models, like GPT-4, have surpassed ChatGPT in capabilities. GPT-4, by OpenAI, offers advanced natural language skills, making it one of the top models in AI language processing.

What is the best alternative to Bard AI?

Choosing the right alternative to Bard AI depends on your needs. Options like Microsoft Co-Pilot, OpenAI’s GPT-4, and other generative AI tools offer different features and strengths. Consider what you need, whether it’s content generation, code suggestions, or research assistance.

Are there any free AI writing assistants besides Bard?

Yes, there are several free AI writing assistants available besides Bard. Some popular ones include OpenAI’s GPT-3 based models like ChatGPT,, and ShortlyAI.

What features do Google Bard alternatives offer for writers?

Google Bard alternatives offer tools for writers:

  1. Generating Ideas: They suggest topics or prompts.
  2. Improving Writing: Check grammar, rewrite, adjust tone.
  3. Research and Organization: Fact-check, format, outline.
  4. Extra Features: Long-form content, multilingual support, SEO, collaboration, specific writing focus.