Google Interview Experience for Software Engineer

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been given the opportunity to interview for a Software Engineering Internship at Google.

During the initial 10-minute call,

  • I was asked about the internships I did (as mentioned in my resume).
  • I was asked about my past projects, and I got the chance to talk about three of my favorites:
  1. Trading Application using C++: This project piqued their interest, and we delved into the details of how I built it and the challenges I overcame.
  2. Inventory Management System: An endeavor that taught me the importance of organization and efficiency in software development.
  3. Sudoku Solver: Solving complex puzzles and automating the process was not only fun but also a great learning experience.
  • As for the next question I was asked about my “favorite movie” and what I would like to change about it.
  • In addition, I was asked about my current CGPA, year, and branch.

It’s a reminder that interviews aren’t just about the technical process. They want to know you as a person. I shared my favorite movie and what I’d change about it, which made for an interesting discussion.

Reflecting on this journey, I can’t help but remember the importance of continuous improvement. One area I’ve been working on is communication skills. It’s vital not only in interviews but also in your career. So, my advice to fellow candidates and aspiring engineers is this: “Don’t just focus on technical skills; polish your communication too. It can make all the difference.”

To all those on this incredible journey to tech giants and dream opportunities, remember, that learning never stops. Keep improving, keep innovating, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks.