Google Interview Experience for SWE Intern

Stage 1: Application and Shortlisting

I applied for the Google Software Engineering (SWE) Intern position through the Google Careers page. After submitting my application, I was thrilled to receive notification that my resume had been shortlisted for the next stage.

Stage 2: Telephonic Interview

The second stage was a telephonic interview, which served as an initial screening to get to know me better. During this conversation, the interviewer asked about my background, experiences, and interests. They inquired about my LeetCode profile, as I had mentioned practicing on LeetCode in my application. We also discussed my preferred programming language and any relevant projects or experiences I had listed on my resume.

Additionally, Google conducted a preparatory meeting to provide detailed instructions for the upcoming technical interview. This session was incredibly helpful as it gave me insights into the Google hiring process and the key attributes they look for in candidates. It was a great opportunity to understand the expectations and prepare accordingly.

Stage 3: Technical Interview

The third stage was the technical interview, which focused on my problem-solving abilities using algorithms and data structures. The primary challenge was a graph-related problem that required solving using Depth-First Search (DFS).

During the interview, I explained my approach to the problem and wrote my pseudo code using Google’s dedicated online compiler. The interviewer assessed my understanding of graph algorithms, my ability to articulate my thought process, and my coding skills.

Verdict: Not Selected

Despite my thorough preparation and efforts, I was not selected for the Google SWE Intern position. While it was disappointing, the experience was immensely valuable and provided me with a clear understanding of the high standards and rigorous selection process at Google.

Although I did not secure the internship, the interview process was a valuable learning experience. It provided insights into my strengths and areas for improvement, which I can focus on for future opportunities. The journey reinforced my determination to pursue a career in software engineering and my commitment to continuous learning and improvement.