GreyOrange Interview Experience for SDET (On-Campus)

GreyOrange came to our campus around the month of November-December.

Round 1: OA

The first round was an online assessment consisting of 10-15(not exactly remember) MCQs based on Object Oriented Programming in Java and one simple coding question in Java. I cleared this round and was selected for interviews afterward.

Round 2: Technical Interview

I am listing down as many questions as I could remember were asked in this round:

  • Difference between C and C++.
  • Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
  • Define OOP. Their types. Explain them.
  • Difference between linked list and array.
  • Define enumeration.
  • What would I do if I wanted to check if the company’s telephone is working properly or not?
  • Difference between primitive and dynamic data types.
  • Difference between function overriding and overloading.
  • Coding Question 1: Check if the given string is palindrome or not.
  • Coding Question 2: Check whether an input year is leap year.

These were the simple questions asked. She grilled me on CS fundamentals and asked about 25-30 questions. This round went for 35 minutes and cleared this round pretty easily.

Round 3: Technical Interview

After round 1 was over, those who got selected for Round 2 received interview links for this round after 30 minutes. The interviewer was not impressed that my expertise was C++ and not Python. He directly asked me why I chose this language or what is the reason behind choosing this language. This information is important that their company predominantly works with Python so me using C++ was a disadvantage. I assured them that I was learning Python as I wanted to dwell into Machine Learning and AI. So the questions asked in this round were:

  • Explain Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Explain waterfall model.
  • Difference between SQL and MySQL.
  • Then there were other CS fundamental questions which I was able to answer.
  • Coding question 1: Print all the subsequences of a given string of length 2.
  • There was another coding question which I cannot not remember.
  • Then he asked me if I had experience working with Linux operating system. Then asked to name a few Linux commands.
  • He also asked to name some Linux commands used for string manipulation, which I could not answer.

Overall, I think I could not answer 2-3 questions. The margin for error is really low when the competition is high. This round also went for 35 minutes.

Verdict: Rejected