Groww Interview Experience for SDE Intern (Web) Off-Campus

I got this golden opportunity of interviewing at Groww. So basically Groww rolled out an internship role at their Web team. I didn’t wait for a second and directly asked the HR whom I was in contact with since the last hackathon I went which was powered by Groww and she had already shortlisted my profile. ( Note: This was quite a different hiring for them also because they mostly take on-campus interns from tier-1 colleges based on DSA ).

After an initial screening, my resume was shortlisted by the Web team and I was asked to hand in an assignment. 

I had to develop a website with fairly good features in the 2 days that they mentioned. Link to what I made: Anyone could’ve easily created this provided they had the understanding of ReactJS, APIs, Responsive Design, Handling Error, Cases, Little Advance JS, Local Storage, Debouncing, Throttling, and Pagination, Hosting (Firebase, Netlify, Github Pages, etc.)

After 2 days I got another call from HR that I have cleared the assignment round and that they’d like to schedule an interview the next day. I had almost 24 hours and I was a bit worried about what and all to study. The HR told me that interview would be around the fundamentals of web development and the assignment I submitted.

I had given JS interviews before as well in various startups including Trell, Giva, and all but this was the toughest and also the most interesting one. My interview was taken by 2 senior SDEs at Groww.

 Technical Interview: The interview began with a frank introduction from their end. I was then asked to introduce myself. The interviewer was very chill and friendly. Initially, they talked about random stuff to make me comfortable, and then they asked me to rate myself on a scale of 5 in HTML, CSS, JS, and ReactJS. I rated myself 3 in HTML and CSS respectively and 4 in JS and ReactJS respectively. Firstly they asked me basic stuff about CSS. I wasn’t expecting that they would grind me for 20-25 minutes on CSS: 

Some questions on CSS were :  

  • Different ways how to center a div
  • Different types of selectors 
  • Usage of! important
  • What is a pseudo-element in CSS
  • What is a different position in CSS
  • Different ways by which we could hide an element and which of these is the best

Questions around HTML were very basic like what is Doctype, the difference between inline and block elements, and what is semantic and non-semantic tags. After this, the interviewer was like you rated yourself 4 in JavaScript, seems you love this language a lot, let’s find out.: 

He started with basic questions like async and defer in the script. Then he gave me a tricky output question on type of.  I leave it to you guys to solve:


const x = {
Re: ‘some’
const y= 34;
const z = > 34;
console.log(typeof typeof typeof z)


Followed by this was yet another tricky output question on lexical scope and closures. I was a bit stuck here. After this. he asked me what is hoisting and the difference between let, var, and const. He gave me an output question on arrow functions and asked why were they introduced. The second interviewer meanwhile asked me to write a polyfill of the map function. Now tbh I wasn’t prepared for writing polyfills, but eventually, I remembered what goes under the hood in the map function and wrote it. The interviewer was pretty impressed by this. He asked me what is Event loop and all thanks to the Namaste JS series, I explained it beautifully. Lastly, he asked me how will I check whether the response of an API is an integer (Not a Number).

After much grinding on JS, they moved to ReactJS and asked about Lifecycle methods and the difference between class components and functional components. He asked me about effect hooks and gave me an output question.


// Tell how many times the something will be logged on console
const Comp = () => {
  let state = {};
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [state]);
  state = {
    er: 'se',
  return <>{JSON.stringify(state)}</>;

After this being shortage of time, they started reviewing my assignment. They asked me what was my approach, and how did I go about it. I explained it well, which they liked. They questioned me about why I used useMemo and use callback hooks. They also advised me to use React query for local storage.

Note: I had to code most of the time to explain my concepts, it was not just theory. Most importantly even if I was stuck somewhere they explained to me well and helped me reach the output.

After this, I was asked if I had any questions. I had read that Groww shifted their codebase from Javascript to Typescript, so I asked why they did so. He answered very patiently and I found it very helpful. Then we ended the call after nearly 90 minutes of the interview. After almost 2-3 days, I received a call from HR that I have cleared the technical interview and the last round was scheduled for the following day.

Culture fitment round: The interviewer was chill and just asked basic questions like

  • Tell me about your developer journey
  • Why Groww?
  • Since I had done both App & Web development, he asked me which I preferred and why?
  • What would you do if you get stuck anywhere?

He asked me if I had any questions to which I asked how Groww handles millions of WebSocket connections at any point in time and what would be my day-to-day responsibilities. 

The round was about 30 minutes and I was eagerly waiting for the results. After about 2-3 days I received a call that I had been selected :).

Pro tips :

  • Do watch Namaste JS by Akshay Saini 
  • Be confident, and always keep a smile while interviewing
  • Stay Active on LinkedIn, whichever opportunity may pop up you never know.
  • Always read about the company, so that you can ask a question and end the interview on a positive note.
  • Be honest and don’t bluff in your resume.

All the best!!