Groww Interview Experience for SDET Intern

Groww is a cutting-edge online investment platform that provides investors with a user-friendly interface to invest in a wide range of mutual funds and stocks.

Application Process

  • Groww came to our university(Chandigarh University) for 1-year internship + performance-based PPO.
  • Stream Required- B.E/B.Tech(CSE/IT)
  • Eligibility Criteria- 8CGPA throughout(both university and school).
  • The whole process was divided into 5 rounds.

Round 1(Resume Shortlisting)

In this round, all students with an 8 CGPA throughout and a good resume were selected(approx 300 students).

Round 2(Online Assessment)

This was a pure DSA-based round. 2 Coding questions need to be done in 50 minutes.

  • The first question was based on DP on strings (medium level).
  • The second question was based on Bit manipulation(medium level).

Only 5 students were selected for further rounds as the questions were very tricky.

Round 3(Technical Interview- 60 min)

There was again pure DSA + Core subjects based round.

  • At first, I greeted the interviewer and after some basic introduction, he gave me a question on subsequences(Recursive + DP based). I was not able to completely solve it but tried to write recursive code, he was very friendly and gave me hints wherever needed. I took more than expected time so he moved to the next question.
  • Next, he asked me to explain my approach to the first question of the Online Assessment (as mentioned earlier it was based on DP on strings) as this was a tricky question he wants to know how I approached it. I explained the approach and he asked me about its time complexity.
  • Next, in the last 12 minutes, he asked questions related to OOPs(abstract class, static keyword, etc.) and SQL. These were very basic questions related to the ACID properties of SQL.
  • At the last 1 minute he asked if I had any questions, I asked about the technologies an SDET intern works in Groww.

It was overall a medium-level round where the interviewer was very friendly and supportive. Only 2 students were selected for further process.

Round 4(Technical + Managerial Interview- 60 min)

This round was completely based on the project, problem-solving, and managerial questions.

  • There were two Interviewers, I greeted both of them. They asked me to introduce myself.
  • They straightforwardly asked me about my projects. I had mentioned 2 projects in my resume, I explained both of them.
  • A deep dive into the project was then started, and all possible questions related to the project were asked me(The project was based on Flutter + Nodejs and MongoDB). I was also asked to parse a JSON file they gave to me by sharing the screen.
  • After the first, it was the turn of the second project( it was based on Machine Learning), again all possible and related questions were asked like Outlier detection, Linear Regression, Confusion Matrix, Model accuracy, etc.
  • After a discussion of both projects, I was given an easy DSA question based on String. They asked to me write its code and explain its time complexity.
    • After that, it was time for managerial questions.
    • Which was the last book you read? Explain it.
    •  Which sport do you play and why?
    • What would your university life have been if you would not have faced covid?
    • Do you use Groww? Which feature of Groww do you like most and what more new features do you want to add?
    • What excites you most besides solving questions? etc. More similar questions were asked.

It is very important to answer these questions in a smart way and with a good presence of mind as they can impact your result a lot. Though the round was scheduled for 60 min it lasted for 80 minutes because a good discussion was done throughout the interview.

Round 5 (HR Round- 15 min)

This round was just a formal discussion over the culture fitment. The following questions were asked-

  • Why Groww?
  • Which role do you choose if you are given the option between Full stack and SDET?
  • Tell me about your internship experience.
  • Explain your patent(I had a patent in my resume, it gave a good advantage to me both in the managerial and HR rounds).
  • Will you appear in further campus placements? etc.

After one day I received a mail from the Placement cell that I was selected for this position(2 students were selected).

Key Points:

  • Be calm and have a good discussion with the interviewer they will definitely help you out.
  • You should know about everything written in your resume.
  • Practice previous years asked DSA questions for practice.
  • Have a thorough knowledge of your projects.