Guess Game using rand() and srand() in C

Using srand() and rand() function in C, a simple but interesting game can be made. This game is called “Guess Game” . Rules of the Game :

  • There are three holes . A rat is hidden in one of those three holes.
  • The Rat shuffles its position every time.
  • You have to guess the hole in which the Rat is hidden among the three holes.
  • The hole in which Rat is present is named as ‘R’ and rest two are named as ‘N’.
  • You have some cash(inhand_cash) with you.
  • You make a bet (amount_bet) for playing this game every time you make a guess.
  • If your guess is wrong, you lose the amount_bet from your inhand_cash.
  • If you guess is right, you win twice the amount_bet in your inhand_cash.
  • Keep playing and keep winning until you go out of cash.

Below is the code in C for this simple and interesting game: Note : As this game takes input from the players for their inhand_cash, bet_amount and the guessed location of the rat, so this will not run in online compiler. 


// Cpp program for guessing game
// using rand() and srand()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void GuessGame(int amount_bet, int* inhand_cash)
    char Hole[3] = { 'N', 'R', 'N' };
    printf("\nWait !! Rat is shuffling its position...\n");
    int i, x, y, temp;
    /*Swapping the Rat's (R's) position  five times using
    the random number for random index*/
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        x = rand() % 3;
        y = rand() % 3;
        temp = Hole[x];
        Hole[x] = Hole[y];
        Hole[y] = temp;
    int PlayerGuess;
    printf("\nYou may now guess the hole in which Rat is present: ");
    scanf("%d", &PlayerGuess);
    if (Hole[PlayerGuess - 1] == 'R') {
        (*inhand_cash) += 2 * amount_bet;
        printf("You win ! The holes are as follows: ");
        printf("\"%c %c %c\" ", Hole[0], Hole[1], Hole[2]);
        printf("\nYour inhand_cash is now = %d \n", *inhand_cash);
    else {
        (*inhand_cash) -= amount_bet;
        printf("You Lose ! The holes are as follows: ");
        printf("\"%c %c %c\" ", Hole[0], Hole[1], Hole[2]);
        printf("\nYour inhand_cash is now = %d \n", *inhand_cash);
int main()
    int amount_bet, inhand_cash;
    You have to guess the hole in which the 
     Rat is hidden among three holes
    The hole in which Rat is present is 
    named as 'R' and rest two are named as 'N'
    If your guess is wrong, you lose the 
    amount_bet from your inhand_cash
    If you guess it right, you win 
     twice the amount_bet in your inhand_cash
    Keep playing and keep winning 
    until you go out of cash
    printf("----Enter the inhand_cash you have right now---- : ");
    scanf("%d", &inhand_cash);
    while (inhand_cash > 0) {
        printf("\nEnter the amount_bet you want to play for : ");
        scanf("%d", &amount_bet);
        if (inhand_cash == 0 || amount_bet > inhand_cash)
        GuessGame(amount_bet, &inhand_cash);
    if (inhand_cash == 0 || amount_bet > inhand_cash) {
               " ? Sorry you don't have enough cash to play more, ");
        printf("Do come next time\""
        printf("Thank You for playing ? \n");
    return 0;

Note: This output is not taken from online compiler Output:

----Enter the inhand_cash you have right now---- : 1

Enter the amount_bet you want to play for : 1

Wait !! Rat is shuffling its position...

You may now guess the hole in which Rat is present: 1
You Lose ! The holes are as follows: "N N R"
Your inhand_cash is now = 0

" :-( Sorry you don't have enough cash to play more, Do come next time"
Thank You for playing :-)