Program to design a Brick Game using computer graphics

In C graphics, the graphics.h functions are used to draw different shapes like a circle, rectangle, etc, display text(any message) in different formats (different fonts and colors). By using graphics.h programs, animations, and also games can be designed. These can be useful for beginners.

Functions Used:

  • rectangle(l, t, r, b): A function from graphics.h header file which draws a rectangle from left(l) to right(r) and from top(t) to bottom(b).
  • line(a1, b1, a2, b2):  A function from graphics.h header file which draws a line from (a1, b1) point to (a2, b2) point.
  • setfillstyle(pattern, color): A function from graphics.h header file by which one can give a pattern of drawing and also a specific color.
  • floodfill(a, b, c): A function from graphics.h header file by which one can color a specific bounded area with (a, b) as the center and c is the border color.
  • outtextxy(int x, int y, char *string): A function from graphics.h header file by which one can print any statements where, x, y are the coordinates of the point and, the third argument contains the address of the string to be displayed.
  • settextstyle(int font, int direction, int font_size): A function from graphics.h header file which can be used for the style of the printable text where the font argument specifies the font of the text. Direction can be HORIZ_DIR (Left to right) or VERT_DIR (Bottom to top).


  • This is a brick game where bricks come from up are of random colors.
  • There are 3 columns in which the bricks can be placed.
  • If two bricks of the same color come adjacent to each other, they both disappear and the score will increase by 10 points.
  • If the bricks touch the top of the game area, then the game will be over. Below is a video to explain how the game works.

Below is the program to implement the same:


// C program for the above approach
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void outline()
    int u = 400;
    // Storing Box Outline
    rectangle(700, 300, 1000, 900);
    // Vertical Lines To Make
    // Divisions
    line(800, 300, 800, 900);
    line(900, 300, 900, 900);
    // Making Horizontal Line Using
    // While Function
    while (u <= 900) {
        line(700, u, 1000, u);
        u = u + 100;
    // Printing The Instruction
    // On Screen
    settextstyle(10, 0, 3);
    outtextxy(20, 100, "FOR MOVE LEFT PRESS 'l'");
    outtextxy(20, 200, "FOR MOVE RIGHT PRESS 'r'");
    outtextxy(20, 300, "FOR MOVE MIDDLE PRESS 'm'");
// Driver Code
void main()
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    // Initialize of gdriver with
    // DETECT macros
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\turboc3\\bgi");
    // Declaring & Initialising Variables
    int a = 800, b = 50, c = 900, d = 150,
        x, left[10], right[10], mid[10],
        up = 5, low = 2, lb = 900, mb = 900,
        rb = 900, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0,
        score = 0, p;
    char z, str[3];
    // Calling outline() function
    // Creating Infinite Loop To Make
    // Continuous Use OF Game
    while (1) {
        // Creating & Naming The
        // Brick Box
        settextstyle(8, 0, 2);
        outtextxy(800, 10, "Brick Box");
        rectangle(a, b, c, d);
        // Generating Random Color Number
        x = (rand() % (up - low + 1)) + low;
        setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, x);
        floodfill(a + 5, d - 5, 15);
        // Getting Input To Move Bricks
        z = getch();
        // Operations For Place The Bricks
        // In Left Side
        if (z == 'l') {
            // Creating & Naming The Left
            // Sub-Box
            settextstyle(8, 0, 2);
            outtextxy(630, 10, "Left Sub-Box");
            rectangle(a - 150, b, c - 150, d);
            floodfill(a - 55, d - 5, 15);
            setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
            floodfill(a - 55, d - 5, 15);
            rectangle(a - 100, lb - 100,
                      c - 100, lb);
            setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, x);
            floodfill(a - 5, lb - 5, 15);
            // Decreasing The Base Of
            // Left Side
            lb = lb - 100;
            // Storing Corresponding Color
            // In Left[] Array
            left[i] = x;
            // Process To Check Is There Any
            // Matching In The Left Side By
            // Upside Down
            if (left[0] == left[1]) {
                lb = 900;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                i = 0;
                left[1] = 0;
            else if (left[1] == left[2]) {
                lb = 800;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                i = 1;
                left[2] = 0;
            else if (left[2] == left[3]) {
                lb = 700;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                i = 2;
                left[3] = 0;
            else if (left[3] == left[4]) {
                lb = 600;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                i = 3;
                left[4] = 0;
            else if (left[4] == left[5]) {
                lb = 500;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a - 5, lb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                i = 4;
                left[5] = 0;
                p = 0;
            // Loop Breaking Condition For
            // Left Side
            if (lb < 400)
        // Operations For Place The Bricks
        // In Right Side
        else if (z == 'r') {
            // Creating & Naming The Left
            // Sub-Box
            settextstyle(8, 0, 2);
            outtextxy(970, 10, "Right Sub-Box");
            rectangle(a + 150, b, c + 150, d);
            floodfill(a + 155, d - 5, 15);
            setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
            floodfill(a + 155, d - 5, 15);
            rectangle(a + 100, rb - 100,
                      c + 100, rb);
            setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, x);
            floodfill(a + 105, rb - 5, 15);
            // Decreasing The Base Of
            // Right Side
            rb = rb - 100;
            // Storing Corresponding Color
            // In Right[] Array
            right[j] = x;
            // Process to Check Is There Any Matching
            // In The Right Side By Upside Down
            if (right[0] == right[1]) {
                rb = 900;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                j = 0;
                right[1] = 0;
            else if (right[1] == right[2]) {
                rb = 800;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                j = 1;
                right[2] = 0;
            else if (right[2] == right[3]) {
                rb = 700;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                j = 2;
                right[3] = 0;
            else if (right[3] == right[4]) {
                rb = 600;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                j = 3;
                right[4] = 0;
            else if (right[4] == right[5]) {
                rb = 500;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 105, rb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                j = 4;
                right[5] = 0;
                p = 0;
            // Loop Breaking Condition For
            // Right Side
            if (rb - 100 < 300)
        // Operations For Place The Bricks
        // In Middle Side
        else {
            rectangle(a, mb - 100, c, mb);
            floodfill(a + 5, mb - 5, 15);
            // Decreasing The Base Of
            // Middle Side
            mb = mb - 100;
            // Storing Corresponding Color In
            // Mid[] Array
            mid[k] = x;
            // Process To Check Is There Any
            // Matching In The Middle Side
            // By Upside Down
            if (mid[0] == mid[1]) {
                mb = 900;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                k = 0;
                mid[1] = 0;
            else if (mid[1] == mid[2]) {
                mb = 800;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                k = 1;
                mid[2] = 0;
            else if (mid[2] == mid[3]) {
                mb = 700;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                k = 2;
                mid[3] = 0;
            else if (mid[3] == mid[4]) {
                mb = 600;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                k = 3;
                mid[4] = 0;
            else if (mid[4] == mid[5]) {
                mb = 500;
                setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 5, 15);
                floodfill(a + 5, mb - 105, 15);
                score = score + 10;
                k = 4;
                mid[5] = 0;
                p = 0;
            // Loop Breaking Condition For
            // Middle Side
            if (mb - 100 < 300)
        // Time Delay
        // Display Score Whenever There Is
        // Any Match
        sprintf(str, "%d", score);
        outtextxy(100, 600, "SCORE: ");
        outtextxy(100, 700, str);
    // Time Delay
    // Clearing The Screen When Game
    // Is Over
    // Holding screen for a while
    // Close the initialized gdriver
