Guvi Geeks Work Experience as a Junior Mentor

Selection Process

I was selected after 3 rounds of interviews and one HR round about which I have already written in detail regarding the questions and the format of the interview. It was a very smooth process and overall it took around 4 to 5 days to get the offer letter. The documentation process I must say was a kind of lengthy process, where I needed to sign about 13 to 15 pages of document and read it all. I was contacted by the Accounts team as well as the HR team if I needed any support so I did not feel anything like I lost. So we can say that It was a very supportive onboarding process.

Training period or the Shadow classes

As I worked as a Python and JavaScript mentor mainly before I started taking up the classes I had to attend the shadow classes. It is a kind of training period we can say in which I had to observe the other instructors taking classes and learn from them and notice how things are going on and like how to assist students in the best way possible. It went on for a week in which I took the shadow classes for around 5 to 6 hours. It turned out to be very helpful in understanding the process.

My key responsibility as a Junior Mentor

  • Take regular live sessions for kids around 2 to 3 for Python as well as Javascript.
  • Assign them questions for tests and make test papers(sometimes, most of the times the test papers are provided by them only)
  • Fill up the form where I need to mention what topics are going on in the class and what topics are covered.
  • I need not take care of the syllabus as it is predefined and I got it from the student manager.
  • Take doubt-clearing sessions for the students

It was not a hectic process as most of the things were assisted by them from time to time. I feel like the best thing was the point of contact no matter what time or day it was whenever I felt any problem and asked them for assistance I was never disappointed with their support.

Pros of working

  • Fixed work hours.
  • Supportive environment.
  • Fixed things to work on nothing extra.
  • Most of the things are pre-designed.
  • Get to learn a lot of new things.
  • Get free premium access to the platform and upskill yourself.

Things that can get better

  • Better platform to engage with the co-workers
  • Can design and use our platform for online tutoring rather than using Google Meet
  • Can do group classes as well
  • There could be a combined system rather than everything distributed like classes on meet and updating things in excel sheet and communicating in some other platform


This is a very good place for those who want to start their career as an online instructor for tech subjects with a good salary in hand, learn new technologies,update them with various new tech stacks and other perks. Also, there is always a chance of improvement so there too things can be improved.