Hack Unicorn Club Interview Experience for Web Developer

On one of the days in August, before mid of the month, of the year 2023, I got to know about a newly formed club that is taking entries for various roles like web developer, graphic designer, social influencer, etc. I was in the second semester of the first year by that time. I was exploring all the fields, so out of curiosity and some handful of knowledge, I applied for two streams, Web Developer, and Graphic Designer. I’ll share my Web Developer interview experience at Hack Unicorn Club in this article.

I don’t remember the exact date of my interview, but it was between 15-20th of August. Both interviews were lined up day after day. The graphic designer one was held first. I want to tell you a little background of me as a web developer. At time time, I was a noob. I just knew about HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript. But I have some projects, like my portfolio and a food delivery service (just frontend) , and a lot of mini-projects. However, I took help of Google, You Tube, and many other resources in all of them.

Now, directly coming to the interview part! There were 3 interviewers (same as the Graphic Designer interview, only a single face was different, so they knew me already), and all of them were final-year students. So, we, together are 4 in the meet.

Interview Started

All interviewers: Hello (The same things happening again, though two of them jumped out of curiosity and said, nice meeting with you again buddy!)

Me: Hi all! and yeah likewise.

Interviewer 1: Rohan, could you please introduce yourself?

Me: Yeah, sure. (I gave my 1 min long introduction to them)

Interviewer 2: Cool! You’re doing great! (copy-paste)

Interviewer 3: Could you please tell us about your expertise in Web development?

Me: Yes sure… (I tell you about my web development experience, which I’ve already written)

Interviewer 3: That’s great! Do you have some demos of your work, or anything relevant you want to show to us??? (copy-paste)

Me: (I already opened those tabs, and arranged all my posters which I’ve made): Take a look. (I showed them all, and explained the moto behind the designs)

Interviewer 1: Umm.. Impressive. And thanks for arranging all this together, the participants before you, were searching the things in b/t the interview.

Interviewer 2: Okay Rohan, just a simple question, why should we add you in our team??

Me: (waiting for this question from the beginning itself): I’m hard-working,,, knows team work,,, worked in team before… (and so on and so forth). (copy-paste)

Interviewer 1: Do you know how to makes a site responsive?

Me: Yes I know. I showed them one of my project (that food delivery app, cause that was responsive).

Interviewer 3: Great! Great! Now could you please tell me how you made that responsive?

Me: Actually, umm.. (I don’t know, cause I just followed the steps from the you tube tuts, and he didn’t tell it in that video).
Now, I’m in huge shame and akwardness.

Interviewer 2: No worries, Rohan. Sometimes, this happen. Okay tell me the truth, do you know the answer?

Me: No (yes, I agreed)

Interviewer 2: Thanks for telling the truth Rohan. Perhaps that was the last question for you.

Interviewer 1: Will contact with you further. keep an eye out on your mails. If you have any questions, you can ask to us.

Me: No.. Thank you again. (I just wanted to leave the meet anyhow)

After a few days, I got a mail.

Verdict: REJECTED!