Hexaview Interview Experience | On Campus | 2024 Batch

Round 1(Technical interview 1):

  • It was an online technical interview which was went for 60 mintutes.
  • The interviewer greeted me and asked for my introduction.
  • Questions asked:
    • What are the 4 pillars of OOPS?
    • What is compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism?
    • Explain the different types of keys in SQL.
    • What are joins in SQL and which are there types?
    • Different types of languages in SQL?
    • What is DSA?
    • Theorotical questions on array, stack, queue, linked list, tree, etc.
    • Code for finding a loop in the linked list.
    • binary search
    • selection sort, quick sort, merge sort.
  • This interview was to check the breadth of knowledge you have in OOPS, SQL and DSA.
  • The students who cleared this round were selected for round 2.

Round 2(Technical interview 2):

  • It was also an online technical interview which went for 30 minutes.
  • Question asked:
    • Nearest element to the given element in the tree. I was not able to solve the question.
    • Array question on binary search.
    • SQL query based on the joins.
    • Find middle node of the linked list.
    • Delete nth node from the last in the linked list.
    • 2 puzzles.

Result: Not Selected


  • More emphasis on DSA. Cover all the linear data structures and basics of non-linear data structures.
  • Prepare SQL, OOPS.
  • You may get puzzles at the end of the interview