How are there connections in full mesh topology with 34 nodes?

Answer: There are 561 connections in full mesh topology with 34 nodes as in full mesh topology one computer is connected all the other computers directly.

Full Mesh Topology

The topology in which each system is connected with all other system directly is called as full mesh topology. Consider there are n systems connected in full topology which means each of n system is connected with other n-1 system excluding itself. The total number of connections in full mesh topology is determined by the product of number of nodes and number of nodes minus 1 and then dividing the result by 2. The formula for calculating number of connections in full mesh topology is [n(n – 1)] / 2.

So, the total connections in full mesh topology with 34 nodes = [34 × (34 – 1)] / 2 = [34 × 33] / 2 = 561

Below diagram represents the full mesh topology.


From the above conclusion we can conclude that in full mesh topology the number of connections or wires required is determined using the formula [n(n-1)]/2 where n is the number of nodes or computers. We have to determine connections in full mesh topology with 34 nodes which requires 561 connections as each of the 34 nodes are connected with 33 other nodes.