How Does DNS Resolve Domain Names To IP Addresses On Internet?
Below are the steps in which DNS resolve domain names to IP addresses....
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How Wireless Mesh Networks Work?
Below is the working of Wireless Mesh Networks...
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How RTS and CTS are used to avoid collision in CSMA CA?
Firstly, before sending the data, the device using CSMA/CA first checks if the channel is idle or not....
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How Can You Identify the IP Class of a Given IP Address?
Below table represents the table for the range of the different class of IP address....
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Name a Major Drawback of IPSec?
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is a protocol suite for securing Internet Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet in a data stream. However, it comes with its challenges...
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How Does Hybrid Topology Combines the Strengths of its Constituent Topologies?
1. Enhanced Fault Tolerance: By integrating elements from topologies hybrid networks can improve fault tolerance. For instance combining a ring or mesh topology with a star topology can help mitigate vulnerabilities associated with hub connectivity. In case of hub failure in a star setup incorporating aspects of mesh topology where nodes are interconnected offers data paths. Ensures continued network operation even if one connection fails....
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Why is Subnet Mask Size Crucial in Network Subnetting?
Below are the reasons specify why the subnet mask size is important in network subnetting....
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How are there connections in full mesh topology with 34 nodes?
The topology in which each system is connected with all other system directly is called as full mesh topology. Consider there are n systems connected in full topology which means each of n system is connected with other n-1 system excluding itself. The total number of connections in full mesh topology is determined by the product of number of nodes and number of nodes minus 1 and then dividing the result by 2. The formula for calculating number of connections in full mesh topology is [n(n – 1)] / 2....
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How Does Tree Topology Structure is Hierarchical Network?
In the top of the three topology, there is the root node, which mainly represents the main point of connection for the entire tree network....
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How Does Hybrid Topology Accommodate Both Wired and Wireless Communication Methods?
Below are the steps which specifies how hybrid topology accommodate both wired and wireless communication methods....
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How Does Adding or Removing Devices Affect the Network in Ring Topology?
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Why Still Use a Ring Network Topology?
In the ring topology, if any of the node or device gets filled, it does not interrupt the entire network as the data can still transmit in the opposite direction. This fault tolerance is important in the environments where continuous network connectivity is vital....
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