How Does Adding or Removing Devices Affect the Network in Ring Topology?

Answer: Adding devices in a ring topology mainly increases traffic and potential congestion, while removing devices can disrupt the network’s continuity and cause data loss in the affected segment.

Affect of Adding and Removing Devices in Ring Topology

1. Adding Devices

When we add a new device to a ring network:

  • Increased Traffic: The network experiences an increase in traffic as the new device begins communicating with existing devices and possibly transferring data.
  • Potential for Network Congestion: If the added device generates significant traffic or if multiple new devices are added simultaneously, it can lead to network congestion. This may slow down data transmission and affect overall network efficiency.
  • Extended Network Reach: On the positive side, adding a device can extend the network’s reach, allowing for more nodes to connect and communicate within the ring.

2. Removing Devices

When we remove a device from a ring network:

  • Network Isolation: The removal of a device can isolate certain segments of the network, especially if the device played a critical role in data routing or acted as a bridge between network sections.
  • Increased Reliability: Removing malfunctioning or duplicate devices can improve the network’s reliability by eliminating potential points of failure and reducing the risk of data packet collisions.
  • Potential Network Reconfiguration: Depending on the network’s design, removing a device might require reconfiguration to ensure proper data flow and maintain network integrity.