How Does Star Topology Enhanced Fault Tolerance in the Network?

Answer: In the star topology, the devices are the notes are mainly connected to the central hub, isolating faults to individual devices without actually affecting the entire network.

Using the below Mechanisms the star topology enhances the fault tolerance in the network:

Centralized Control

In the stack topology as all devices are connected to the central hub or switch, if any of the device gets filled, then it doesn’t affect the rest of the network directly, because the communication passes through the central point.

Isolation of Issues

As each device connects directly to the central hub, issues like cable faults or device malfunctions are localized. Additionally, the other devices continue to process normally, as long as their connections remain connected to the hub.

Easier for Troubleshooting

Within the star topology, the troubleshooting is easier as faulty devices or connections can be easily identified and addressed without disrupting or making the entire network down.

Scalability and Redundancy

Start apologies are mainly easier for performing scalability of adding more devices or expanding the central hub’s capacity Also, the redundancy can be built into the network by introducing backup connections or redundant hubs.

Improvement in Performance

As the star topology has centralized nature. It reduces the network congestion. Each device communicates directly with the central hub, which leds to the proper data transmission and lower latency.