How Files Are Transferred using FTP?

Answer: Files are transferred using FTP by connecting to an FTP server with a client application, then uploading or downloading files based on user commands.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and server on a computer network. Here is the process of FTP works:

  1. Connection Establishment: A user connects to an FTP server using an FTP client application, providing necessary credentials (username and password) if required.
  2. Mode Selection: The user selects between Active or Passive mode, which determines how the connection for data transfer is established.
  3. Navigation and Command Execution: Once connected, the user can navigate the server’s directory structure, choose files to upload or download, and execute commands for file management.
  4. File Transfer: Files are transferred in binary (for non-text files) or ASCII (for text files) mode. The user initiates the transfer, and the files are uploaded or downloaded to the specified directory.