How many Keywords per Page is important in SEO ?

Having 2-3% Keyword Density is considered to be optimal. But there’s no strict magic number for the ideal number of keywords per page for SEO. Instead, it’s crucial to prioritize content quality and topic relevance.

Here’s a more specific approach:

  • Focus on one primary keyword: This is the main keyword you want your page to rank for.
  • Include 2-3 relevant variations of the primary keyword: This shows search engines you’re covering the topic comprehensively.
  • Use additional related keywords naturally: As you create high-quality content, it’s natural to incorporate other relevant terms that users might search for. Don’t force them, though, as it can make your content unnatural and potentially hurt your ranking.

Here’s a guideline based on content type and length:

  • Shorter content (300-500 words): 1 primary keyword, 2-3 secondary keywords
  • Medium content (500-800 words): 1 primary keyword, 3-4 secondary keywords
  • Longer content (800+ words): 1 primary keyword, 5-6 secondary keywords

Remember, these are just suggestions. The key is to maintain a focus on your main topic and ensure your content uses relevant keywords naturally throughout, without keyword stuffing.