How to Convert CSV to JSON file having Comma Separated values in Node.js ?

A CSV is a comma-separated value file, identified by the .csv extension, is a format used for tabular data storage where values are separated by commas. This article presents a method to convert CSV data to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) without any relaying on third-party npm packages. Unlike typical conversions, this approach handles scenarios where values within rows are also comma-separated, deviating from conventional column separation.

We will achieve this by first inputting the CSV file’s contents into an array and then splitting it based on a delimiter. Each row of the CSV will be transformed into JSON objects, which will be appended to a resultant array. Finally, this array will be converted to JSON format, resulting in the generation of a corresponding JSON output file. This process ensures a seamless conversion of CSV data into JSON format, catering to varying data structures without external dependencies.

Approach: Follow the steps below to achieve the solution: 

  • Read the CSV file using the default fs npm package.
  • Convert the data to String and split it in an array.
  • Generate a headers array.
  • For all the remaining n-1 rows do the following: 
    • Create an empty object to add values of the current row to it.
    • Declare a string str as the current array value to change the delimiter and store the generated string in a new string s.
    • If we encounter an opening quote (“) then we keep commas as it is otherwise we replace them with pipe “|”
    • Keep adding the characters we traverse to a String s.
    • Split the string using pipe delimiter | and store the values in a properties array.
    • For each header, if the value contains multiple comma-separated data, then we store it in the form of an array otherwise directly the value is stored.
    • Add the generated object to our result array.

Convert the resultant array to JSON and generate the JSON output file.
Filename: app.js  

// Reading the file using default
// fs npm package
const fs = require("fs");
csv = fs.readFileSync("CSV_file.csv")

// Convert the data to String and
// split it in an array
const array = csv.toString().split("\r");

// All the rows of the CSV will be
// converted to JSON objects which
// will be added to result in an array
let result = [];

// The array[0] contains all the
// header columns so we store them
// in headers array
let headers = array[0].split(", ")

// Since headers are separated, we
// need to traverse remaining n-1 rows.
for (let i = 1; i < array.length - 1; i++) {
    let obj = {}

    // Create an empty object to later add
    // values of the current row to it
    // Declare string str as current array
    // value to change the delimiter and
    // store the generated string in a new
    // string s
    let str = array[i]
    let s = ''

    // By Default, we get the comma separated
    // values of a cell in quotes " " so we
    // use flag to keep track of quotes and
    // split the string accordingly
    // If we encounter opening quote (")
    // then we keep commas as it is otherwise
    // we replace them with pipe |
    // We keep adding the characters we
    // traverse to a String s
    let flag = 0
    for (let ch of str) {
        if (ch === '"' && flag === 0) {
            flag = 1
        else if (ch === '"' && flag == 1) flag = 0
        if (ch === ', ' && flag === 0) ch = '|'
        if (ch !== '"') s += ch

    // Split the string using pipe delimiter |
    // and store the values in a properties array
    let properties = s.split("|")

    // For each header, if the value contains
    // multiple comma separated data, then we
    // store it in the form of array otherwise
    // directly the value is stored
    for (let j in headers) {
        if (properties[j].includes(", ")) {
            obj[headers[j]] = properties[j]
                .split(", ").map(item => item.trim())
        else obj[headers[j]] = properties[j]

    // Add the generated object to our
    // result array

// Convert the resultant array to json and
// generate the JSON output file.
let json = JSON.stringify(result);
fs.writeFileSync('output.json', json);


Run the command “node app.js” on the terminal to run the program.


The output.json file gets created and the content of the file has been logged on the terminal.