How to Update NPM?
NPM (Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js and is written entirely in JavaScript. It manages all the packages and modules for Node.js and includes a command-line client, npm. NPM is installed automatically with Node.js....
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How to read and write Excel file in Node.js ?
Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that can also be used to read from a file and write to a file which can be in txt, ods, xlsx, docx, etc format....
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What are the differences between npm and npx ?
If you are building a web application with JavaScript then it is very crucial to use tools like npm or npx to manage the environment packages. But if they both used for the same purposes then why both npm and npx are used in different scenarios. In this article, we will understand what they actually are and what makes them distinct....
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How to resolve ‘node’ is not recognized as an internal or external command error after installing Node.js ?
Encountering the error message ‘node’ is not recognized as an internal or external command after installing Node.js can be frustrating, especially when you’re eager to start working on your project. This error usually means that your system cannot find the Node.js executable because the path to it is not set correctly in your system’s environment variables. This guide will walk you through resolving this issue step-by-step on both Windows and macOS....
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Difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies
Every web application project typically includes a file named package.json, which serves as a repository of essential project metadata. This file encompasses information ranging from dependencies and their respective versions to development dependencies and peer dependencies....
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How HTTP POST requests work in Node ?
The HTTP POST method is employed by the World Wide Web to send data to a server. This request method is characterized by the inclusion of data in the request body, and the type of this body is specified by the Content-Type header. Express.js, a web application framework for Node, facilitates the creation of servers and handling various HTTP requests, such as GET and POST....
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How to Convert CSV to JSON file having Comma Separated values in Node.js ?
A CSV is a comma-separated value file, identified by the .csv extension, is a format used for tabular data storage where values are separated by commas. This article presents a method to convert CSV data to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) without any relaying on third-party npm packages. Unlike typical conversions, this approach handles scenarios where values within rows are also comma-separated, deviating from conventional column separation....
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How to read and write JSON file using Node ?
Node JS is a free and versatile runtime environment that allows the execution of JavaScript code outside of web browsers. It finds extensive usage in creating APIs and microservices, catering to the needs of both small startups and large enterprises....
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File uploading in Node
File uploading involves a user requesting to upload a file from their client machine to the server. For instance, on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, users upload images, videos, etc. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve file uploads using Node.js....
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How to use Class in Node ?
In Node, classes function as templates for creating objects in object-oriented programming, encapsulating both data and behavior. They provide a structured and reusable approach to defining and instantiating objects within a JavaScript program....
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Difference between npm and yarn
NPM and Yarn are package managers that help to manage a project’s dependencies. A dependency is, as it sounds, something that a project depends on, a piece of code that is required to make the project work properly. We need them because managing the project’s dependencies is a difficult task and it quickly becomes tedious, and out of hand when the project grows. By managing the dependencies, we mean to include, un-include, and update them....
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Node vs Express
Node.js and Express are two essential tools in the JavaScript ecosystem, especially for server-side development. While they are often used together, they serve different purposes. This article will explain what Node.js and Express are, their key differences, and when to use each....
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