How to Delete All Rows Below Certain Row or Active Cell in Excel?

Excel is powerful data visualization and data management tool which can be used to store, analyze, and create reports on large data. It is generally used by accounting professionals for the analysis of financial data but can be used by anyone to manage large data. Data is entered into the rows and columns.

Steps to delete all rows below a certain row in excel

For example, if we have values in 10 rows and we want to delete the data after 7 rows in excel.


After deleting data after 7th row,


We can perform this task using various methods; those methods are,

  1. Delete sheet rows option.
  2. With a Mouse Click to delete all rows below a Certain Row.
  3. Use the name box.
  • Method 1: Delete sheet row option

For the purpose of demonstration, we will use the table given below.


Suppose we want to delete the row after the 8th row

Step 1: Select the cell A9


Step 2: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ ➜ + ⬇


This will select all the cells that we want to delete.

Step 3: Go to Home Tab-> Cells Dropdown -> Delete Dropdown-> Delete Sheet Rows Option




Method 2: With a Mouse Click to delete all rows below a Certain Row

In this method, steps 1 and step 2 will remain the same as we have used in method 1.

Step 1: Select the cell A9 


Step 2: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ ➜ + ⬇


Step 3: Right-click and select Delete-> sheet rows option




Method 3: Using Name Box

In this method, we will use the cell name to delete the rows.

Step 1: Go to the Name box area. You can find it just above the sheet cells.


Step 2: Type the range of rows to be deleted.

As we want to delete the 9th and 10th row, so we will mention the range as 9-10. This will select the rows to be deleted.

Step 3: Right click-> Delete-> Sheet rows.
