How to display output data in tabular form in Node.js ?

Tables are a combination of rows and columns. Node.js has its own module named as a table that helps in making tables with a wide variety of styles that can be applied to the table such as border styles, colors body style, etc.

Installation of module:

npm install table


table(data, config)


  • data: Data is an Array of array i.e. data to be saved in the table.
  • config: Different predefined configuration.

Return Value: A string is returned by the function.

Example 1: Filename: script.js

let table = require("table");
let data, config;
// Data to be saved in the tables
data = [
  ["A", "B", "C"],          
  ["D", "E", "F"],
  ["G", "H", "I"],
config = {
  // Predefined styles of table
  border: table.getBorderCharacters("ramac"),
let x = table.table(data, config);

Step to run this program: Run script.js using the following command:

node script.js


Example 2: Filename: script.js

let table = require("table");
let data, config;
data = [
  ["A", "B", "C"],
  ["D", "E", "F"],
  ["G", "H", "I"],
// Creating column width configuration
config = { 
  columns: {
    0: {
      width: 1   // Column 0 of width 1
    1: {
      width: 20  // Column 1 of width 20
    2: {
      width: 5   // Column 2 of width 5
let x = table.table(data, config);

Step to run this program: Run script.js using the following command:

node script.js
