How to Display Random ASCII Art on Linux Terminal?

Here we are going to see how to print the drawing on the terminal in the form of ASCII characters. ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen is a tool written in python that pulls a random drawing from a repository and shows it every time you open the terminal. This works on UNIX-based systems like Linux and macOS. 

Now let’s see how to install the ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen tool on our Linux system.

Requirements to install

The followings are the two requirements to install the ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen tool:

Let’s see how to install curl:

To install curl on the Debian based system like Ubuntu and Kali Linux use the following command:

sudo apt install curl

For systems like RHEL/CentOS:

 yum install curl

For the Fedora 22+:

dnf install curl

Before moving further make sure that you have installed these dependencies on the system.

Installation of ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen tool

Now let’s see how to install ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen tool. First clone the GitHub repository on the system using the following command:

git clone 

After this move into the local repository and then copy the file into the home directory. Use the following commands to do this:

cd ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen/
cp ~/

Now to get the ASCII art on the terminal when we open the terminal we need to put python3 command into the .bashrc file. Use the following command to put this command into .bashrc file

echo "python3" >> ~/.bashrc

We have successfully installed the ASCII-Art-Splash-Screen  tool on our Linux system. 

Now when you open a new terminal you will see the new ASCII art on the terminal every time. Here are some of them.

ASCII art1

ASCII art2

ASCII art3

This is how we can print the ASCII art on an open new terminal.