How to Download and Install Jubler on Windows?

We can make and translate subtitles for video files using Jubler. We can play back the subtitles along with the video using a variety of programs, such as VLC, by exporting them from Jubler as a text file. Additionally, DVD-making software can use these text files to embed the subtitle file in multilingual DVDs. Jubler plays back files using MPlayer, a video player, and aspell, a spell checker, to ensure that the subtitles are written correctly. Jubler is more difficult to install than apps of a similar nature because it requires the installation of these two programs in order to function. The good news is that it functions flawlessly on OS X, Linux, and Windows after installation.

Features of Jubler

  • SubRip, Advanced SubStation, and SubStation Alpha are supported. Even while it is simple to add support for additional file types, it currently only supports SubViewer (1 and 2), MicroDVD, MPL2, and Spruce DVD Maestro file formats.
  • Every encoding that the Java platform supports is also supported here (like UTF-8). To load the localized subtitle files, the user can pick from a list of preferable encodings.
  • Support for GUI internationalization using get text tools.
  • Support for styles (when saving in SubStation formats). Each character or subtitle has a different style.
  • Support for translating mode (parent & child editors).
  • With the FFMPEG library, a graphic preview of the subtitles is provided. Support is provided for the current frame, waveform preview, and waveform listening.
  • Subtitles are shown graphically and have the ability to be enlarged and manipulated.

System Requirements

  • newest JRE version
  • To display subtitles, use MPlayer
  • Use ASpell to check the subtitles’ spelling

It has a permissive (GNU) public license and is open source. It was created in Java 5.0 (also known as Java 1.5.0) to truly be cross-platform. It has been tried out on Windows XP, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Installation of Jubler

Step 1: We will download the Jubler.exe file in windows using the below link,


Step 2: We will select the installation location and click the next button.


Step 3: We will select the start menu folder and click the next button


Step 4: The installation is started now wait 5 min.


Step 5: The installation is completed now click the finish button.


The software is ready to use.