How to Download and Install NoxPlayer on Windows?

NoxPlayer is a free Android OS emulator that allows you to run Android applications on your computer. The program is simple to use because of its simple UI. App and game controls are intuitively mapped to the keyboard. Let’s now learn the steps to download and install NoxPlayer on windows,

Steps to Download and Install NoxPlayer on Windows

Step 1: Go to the official website of NoxPlayer and click on the download button.


Step 2: Go to your downloads location and double-click the nox setup file to begin the installation.


Step 3: Select the I have read and accept the Nox agreement checkbox. Expand the custom option to see the extra parameters. When you click the Install button, the Nox player installation procedure will begin.


Step 4: The installation of NoxAppPlayer is in progress.


Step 5: NoxAppPlayer for Android was successfully installed. To launch the Nox Player, press the start button.