How to find largest key in Scala Map

In Scala, Map is same as dictionary which holds key:value pairs. In this article, we will learn how to find the largest key in given Map in Scala. The max() method is utilized to find the largest element of the map.

Here, m1 is name of a map.

Let’s try to understand it better with help of few examples.
Example #1:

// Scala program to get highest keys
// Creating object 
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        // Creating a map 
        val m1 = Map(3 -> "Beginner", 4 -> "for", 2 -> "cs"
        // Displays max key 


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Example #2: Iterate over only keys using keysIterator

// Scala program to get highest keys
// Creating object 
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        // Creating a map 
        val mapIm = Map("Ajay" -> 30
                        "Bhavesh" -> 20
                        "Charlie" -> 50
        // Displays output 

