Remove key value from Map in Scala

The deletion of Scala map keys can be obtained by utilizing operator. This operator is utilized to delete the set of keys of the map.

def -(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): Map[A, B]

It returns a new map containing all the elements of the given Map except the set of keys which are deleted using the above operator.
Example #1:

// Scala program of deleting 
// keys
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        // Creating a map
        val m1 = Map("Beginner" -> 5, "for" -> 3
        // Applying - operator
        val result = m1.-("for")
        // Displays output


Map(Beginner -> 5)

In above example here for key is deleted.
Example #2:

// Scala program of deleting 
// keys
// Creating object
object GfG
    // Main method
    def main(args:Array[String])
        // Creating a map
        val m1 = Map("Beginner" -> 5, "for" -> 3, "cs" -> 2
        // Applying - operator
        val result = m1.-("for", "Beginner")
        // Displays output


Map(cs -> 2)