How to Handle iframe in Selenium with Java?

In this article, we are going to discuss how to handle the iframe in Selenium with Java. The following 6 points will be discussed.

Table of Content

  • What are iframes in Selenium?
  • Difference between frame and iframe in Selenium
  • Steps to identify a Frame on a Page?
  • How to Switch Over the Elements in iframes using Web Driver Commands
  • How to Switch Back to the Main iframe

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail.

What are iframes in Selenium?

Displaying a webpage as a part of another webpage this parameter we called iframe. If the element is present on the main page then we can directly interact and we can perform the actions but when the element is present on iframe we can not directly interact with those elements. In such cases, we need to change the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe.

Difference between frame and iframe in Selenium

Normally frames are used for the horizontally or vertically splitting of a webpage. So with the help of a frame, we can split a webpage into multiple sections. frames are the part of the page. Whereas iframes are generally used to insert the contents from other sources. Iframe sets the URL of the website to be displayed as a part of another webpage, and the width and height of the iframe can be set to determine how much of the website should be displayed.

Steps to Identify a Frame on a Page?

There are some methods from which we can identify if there is any iframe present on the webpage or not.

Step.1: Search the iframe on the inspection box

Search the iframe on the inspection box

Step.2: Right-click on that web element

Right-click on that web element

Step.3: Through view page source

Through view page source

How to Switch Over the Elements in iframes using Web Driver Commands

After identifying the iframe if we need to handle a web element that is present on the iframe, in such cases, we need to change the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe. There are three different ways to shift the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe.

1. With the help of the index 


the index always starts from zero (0,1,2,3,…..)

2. With the help of id/name


here we need to identify the id value or name value from the HTML codes of the iframe.

3. With the help of web element


here we need to declare a webelement by using attributes of iframe.

How to Switch Back to the Main iframe

Suppose we need to change the focus of selenium from iframe to the main page or parent iframe for which there are two different ways.

  • driver.switchTo().parentFrame(); – We use this method to change the focus of selenium from one iframe to parent iframe (previous iframe)
  • driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); – We use this method to change the focus of selenium from one iframe to the main page.

For performing the automation we will create a webpage by using HTML. Here are the HTML codes for creating a webpage with an iframe.

<!DOCTYPE html>
         <h1 style="color:#32CD32">w3wiki</h1>
            Name : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="name"/> 
            Email : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="email" />
         <iframe class="gfgiframe" id="gfgiframe" src="Provide the path of your iframe webpage">
         Contact : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="contact" /> 
         <input type="button" value="Submit" id="submit" style="width:100px;background-color:#gray"/>

For the iframe, we used another webpage and provided its URL in src. The HTML codes of the iframe are given below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <textarea type="text" rows="8" style="width:350px" id="Textmessage" placeholder="Message">

Webpage Output:

Layout of Webpage

Here we have to submit some of the information on the w3wiki page.

  • Name
  • Email
  • Message
  • Contact No.

Now let’s see the script for automating the webpage and to fill in the information by using Java.

Program 1: To handle the web element of a single iframe ( switching the focus of selenium by using an index )

To switch the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe, here we are going to use the index method.


driver.switchTo().frame(index number);

It’s a first iframe and we know that index count starts with zero. So we will give the index number as zero(0). To switch back to the main frame we will use driver.switchTo().parentFrame(); method 

import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class GFG_Iframe {

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // Using chrome as a browser
        System.setProperty(""," Path of Chromedriver.exe");
        // Webdriver object
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        // We have created one webpage by using html
        driver.get("Provide your webpage link");
        // To maximize the page
        // To delete all the cookies
        // Providing implicit wait 
        //Enter name by id
        driver.findElement("name")).sendKeys("Suraj Bade");
        // Enter E-mail with xpath
        // Switching the focus of selenium from main page to iframe 
        // we are using index here 
        // Enter a message text 
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//textarea[@id='Textmessage']")).sendKeys("Thank you for creating such a knowledgeable platform. ");
        // Switching the focus of selenium from iframe to main page 
        // to enter the contact number 
        // Enter contact with xpath
        // to close the tab


Program 2: To handle the web element of a single iframe ( switching the focus of selenium by using id or name )

To switch the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe, here we are going to use the id/name method.



In HTML codes we can check the id value/name value. here id value is given as gfgiframe. we will use this value in our method. To switch back to the main frame we will use driver.switchTo().parentFrame(); method

import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class GFG_Iframe {

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // Using chrome as a browser
        System.setProperty(""," Path of Chromedriver.exe");
        // Webdriver object
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        // We have created one webpage by using html
        driver.get("Provide your webpage link");
        // To maximize the page
        // To delete all the cookies
        // Providing implicit wait 
        // Enter name by id
        driver.findElement("name")).sendKeys("Suraj Bade");
        // Enter E-mail with xpath
        // Switching the focus of selenium from main page to iframe 
        // we are using id value here 
        // Enter a message text 
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//textarea[@id='Textmessage']")).sendKeys("Thank you for creating such a knowledgeable platform. ");
        // Switching the focus of selenium from iframe to main page 
        // to enter the contact number 
        // Enter contact with xpath
        // to close the tab



Program 3: To handle the web element of a single iframe ( switching the focus of selenium by using webelement )

To switch the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe, here we are going to use webElement method.



Here first we declare a webElement by using the attributes of iframe and then we will pass that webelement in above method. To switch back to main frame we will use driver.switchTo().parentFrame(); method

import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class GFG_Iframe {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Using chrome as a browser
        System.setProperty("","Path of chromedriver.exe");
        // Webdriver object
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        // We have created one webpage by using html
        driver.get("provide your webpage link");
        // To maximize the page
        // To delete all the cookies
        // Providing implicit wait 
        //Enter name by id
        driver.findElement("name")).sendKeys("Suraj Bade");
        // Enter E-mail with xpath
        // declaring a webelement from the attributes of iframe 
        WebElement gfg = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//iframe[@id='gfgiframe']"));
        //Switching the focus of selenium from main page to iframe 
        // Enter a message text 
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//textarea[@id='Textmessage']")).sendKeys("Thank you for creating such a knowledgeable platform. ");
        // Switching the focus of selenium from iframe to main page 
        // to enter the contact number 
        // Enter contact with xpath
        // to close the tab



How to handle nested iframe in selenium webDriver

We will use HTML codes for designing the nested iframe

HTML codes for the main page: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
         <h1 style="color:#32CD32">w3wiki</h1>
         Statement 1 : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="Statement1"/> 
         <iframe class="gfgiframe" id="gfgiframe"  width="600" height="300" src="Provide the path of iframe1 webpage">
         Statement 4 : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="Statement4" /> 

HTML codes for the iframe1:

<!DOCTYPE html>
         <h2 style="color:Black">Iframe 1 </h2>
         Statement 2 : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="Statement2"/> 
         <iframe class="gfgiframe2" id="gfgiframe2" width="500" height="120"src="Provide the path of iframe2 webpage">

HTML codes for the iframe2:

<!DOCTYPE html>
         <h2 style="color:Black">Iframe 2 </h2>
         Statement 3 : <input class="gfg" type="text" id="Statement3"/> 

Webpage Output:

Layout of Webpage

Here we can observe,

  • Statement 1 and Statement 4 are located on main page. 
  • Statement 2 located on iframe 1 and Statement 3 is located on iframe 2. 
  • iframe 1 is located inside iframe 2.

Program 3: To handle the web element of nested iframe

import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class GFGNestedIframe {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // we are using chrome driver
        System.setProperty("","Path of chromedriver.exe");
        // Webdriver object 
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        // etering the URL 
        driver.get("Provide your webpage link");
        // to maximize the window 
        // to delete all cookies
        // Providing implicit wait 
        //Giving text input in Statement1
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='Statement1']")).sendKeys("My Statement 1");
        // Switching the focus of selenium from main page to iframe1
        // Giving text input in Statement2
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='Statement2']")).sendKeys("My Statement 2");
        // Switching the focus of selenium from iframe1 to iframe2
        // Giving text input in Statement3
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='Statement3']")).sendKeys("My Statement 3");
        // Switching the focus of selenium from iframe2 to main page 
        // Giving text input in Statement4
        driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@id='Statement4']")).sendKeys("My Statement 4");




We can directly identify Statement 1 as it is located on the main page but for Statement 2 we need to switch the focus of selenium from the main page to iframe 1. So we will use driver.switchTo().frame(); method with index zero. Now the focus of selenium is on iframe 1 so we can directly identify Statement 2 but for Statement 3 we again need to switch the focus of selenium from iframe 1 to iframe 2. So we will again use driver.switchTo().frame(); method with index zero, Now the focus of selenium is on iframe 2 so we can directly identify Statement 3. For locating the Statement 4 we need to switch the focus of selenium from iframe 2 to main page, so here we will use the driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); method.