How to Switch Over the Elements in iframes using Web Driver Commands

After identifying the iframe if we need to handle a web element that is present on the iframe, in such cases, we need to change the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe. There are three different ways to shift the focus of selenium from the main page to the iframe.

1. With the help of the index 


the index always starts from zero (0,1,2,3,…..)

2. With the help of id/name


here we need to identify the id value or name value from the HTML codes of the iframe.

3. With the help of web element


here we need to declare a webelement by using attributes of iframe.

How to Handle iframe in Selenium with Java?

In this article, we are going to discuss how to handle the iframe in Selenium with Java. The following 6 points will be discussed.

Table of Content

  • What are iframes in Selenium?
  • Difference between frame and iframe in Selenium
  • Steps to identify a Frame on a Page?
  • How to Switch Over the Elements in iframes using Web Driver Commands
  • How to Switch Back to the Main iframe

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail.

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