How to Implement AOP in Spring Boot Application?

AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) breaks the full program into different smaller units. In numerous situations, we need to log, and audit the details as well as need to pay importance to declarative transactions, security, caching, etc., Let us see the key terminologies of AOP

  1. Aspect: It has a set of APIs for cross-cutting requirements. Logging module is an example of the AOP aspect of logging.
  2. Joint Point: AOP aspect plug in place
  3. Advice: Via this, the actual implementation of code is taken care for the AOP approach. It can be either before/after/after returning/after throwing. In this article let us see the examples related to this.
  4. Pointcut: Set of one or more join points where an advice need to be executed. 
  5. Introduction: This is the place where we can add new methods or attributes to the existing classes.
  6. Target Object: One or more aspects will be there to provide advice for the target object.
  7. Weaving: Linking aspects with other application types or objects. It can be done at compile-time/runtime/loadtime.

In this article, we will briefly see about the different kinds of advice available.


This is the most effective and desirable advice among all other advice. The first parameter is of type ProceedingJoinPoint. Code must have proceed() on the ProceedingJoinPoint. When this is given, the code has to be executed before and after when the method is matched with the pointcut.

Sample code snippet:

Priority-wise always @Around will be invoked  even if there are @Before annotations, 


// Displays all the available methods i.e. the advice will
// be called for all the methods The method declaration is
// called the pointcut signature. It provides a name that can
// be used by advice annotations to refer to that pointcut.
    = "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))")
private void
// Declares the around advice that is applied before and
// after the method matching with a pointcut expression Even
// there are @Before annotations, @Around will be invoked
// first with the before invocation and then only @Before
// will be called
@Around(value = "printLogs()")
public void
logsAroundAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint proJoinPoint)
    throws Throwable
        "The method aroundAdvice() before invocation of the method "
        + proJoinPoint.getSignature().getName()
        + " method");
    try {
    finally {
        "The method aroundAdvice() after invocation of the method "
        + proJoinPoint.getSignature().getName()
        + " method");

As always this is the starting point, business logic needs to be processed here and it is ideal.

Possible Use-cases:

  • When employee pay roll calculation has been initiated.
  • When a student started writing the exam
  • When an external application like a printer/scanner is initiated in the mentioned timeframe.

As @Around advice will inform about each and every activity before and after the progress, it will be a benchmark and also errors can be easily diagnosed via this approach.


Priority wise it may be the first step if there is no @Around advice. If @Around is there, always @Around will have the higher priority and @Before will run after the beginning portion of @Around.

Sample code snippet:


// If there is no @Around advice, @Before will be called
// first, otherwise @Around Before Invocation is called
    "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))")
public void
        ".............Looking for @Around advice, if none is there, @Before will be called first. My role is to execute before each and every method.............");

Apt scenario to have @Before:

Usually, in the master-detail relationship, the master record should exist and then only corresponding child data can be inserted similarly while deleting, child data should be deleted and then only master data can be deleted. @Before will help to overcome these dependencies scenarios at the beginning itself.


Priority wise always @Around will be executed, if it is available and after that only @After will execute. This will be a good place to conclude the end of an activity.

Sample code snippet:


// If there is no @Around advice, @After will be called
// after @Before(if available) first, otherwise @Around After
// Invocation is called
    "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))")
public void
        ".............Looking for @Around advice, if none is there, @After will be called after @Before(if available). My role is to execute after each and every method.............");

Apt scenario to have @After:

To inform the users about the completion of an operation like completion of the download process of a file or an image or the printing job completed etc.,


Thought @After advice is there, @AfterReturning advice will indicate the success of an operation. Hence the success steps will be indicated here.

Sample code snippet:


// implementing after returning advice
// This is generally used to indicate the output after
// successful return of the method, will be called at last
// i.e. after @Around
    = "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))",
    returning = "account")
public void
logsAfterReturningDisplay(JoinPoint joinPoint)
    System.out.println("After Returning method:"
                       + joinPoint.getSignature());

Apt Scenario to have @AfterReturning:

When there are activities like printer jobs, we need to know about the status of completion of printing jobs. Once it is successfully finished, need to initiate other subsequent activities. So success related operations can be provided in @AfterReturning


There are many scenarios of failure of an activity, for example, when there is no power, the printing job cannot be completed. During those times, need to inform about the cause of failure and subsequent recovery measures. @AfterThrowing is the right place for it.

Sample code snippet:


// implementing after throwing advice
// This is generally used to indicate the exception in case
// of exception , will be called whenever exception occurs
    = "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))",
    throwing = "ex")
public void
logsAfterThrowingDisplay(JoinPoint jPoint, Exception ex)
    System.out.println("After Throwing exception in method:"
                       + jPoint.getSignature());
    System.out.println("Exception is:" + ex.getMessage());

Apt Scenario for @AfterThrowing:

Due to an I/O error, Arithmetic Exceptions, SQLExceptions, etc., we need to provide corrective measures.

Let us combine everything and check as a sample maven project.

Example Project

Project Structure:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>

Key important files


import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class ServiceExample {
    public void
    getAccountBalance(String employeeAccountNumber)
        System.out.println("Inside getBalance() method");
        // To mention about for a certain
        // employeeAccountNumber value
        if (employeeAccountNumber.equals("Emp1212")) {
            System.out.println("Total balance: ......");
        else {
                "Sorry! wrong account number. Please give correct account number to verify");
    public String employeeStatus(String employeeNumber)
            "Inside checkEmployeeExistence() method");
        String status = null;
        if (employeeNumber.equals("emp12345")) {
                               + " is currently active");
            status = "active";
        else {
                               + " is currently inactive");
            status = "Inactive";
        return status;
    public String
    eligibilityForPromotion(int promotionExamMarks)
            "Inside eligibilityForPromotion() method");
        String status = null;
        if (promotionExamMarks >= 650) {
            System.out.println("Eligible for promotion..");
            status = "eligible";
        else {
                "Not eligible for promotion..");
            status = "not eligible";
        return status;


import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.After;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterReturning;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterThrowing;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
// Enables the spring AOP functionality in an application
public class ImplementationOfDifferentAspect {
    // Displays all the available methods i.e. the advice
    // will be called for all the methods The method
    // declaration is called the pointcut signature. It
    // provides a name that can be used by advice annotations
    // to refer to that pointcut.
        = "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))")
    private void
    // If there is no @Around advice, @Before will be called
    // first, otherwise @Around Before Invocation is called
        "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))")
    public void
            ".............Looking for @Around advice, if none is there, @Before will be called first. My role is to execute before each and every method.............");
    // If there is no @Around advice, @After will be called
    // after @Before(if available) first, otherwise @Around
    // After Invocation is called
        "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))")
    public void
            ".............Looking for @Around advice, if none is there, @After will be called after @Before(if available). My role is to execute after each and every method.............");
    // implementing after returning advice
    // This is generally used to indicate the output after
    // successful return of the method, will be called at
    // last i.e. after @Around
    // AOP aspect plug in place is JointPoint
        = "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))",
        returning = "account")
    public void
    logsAfterReturningDisplay(JoinPoint joinPoint)
        System.out.println("After Returning method:"
                           + joinPoint.getSignature());
        // System.out.println(account);
    // implementing after throwing advice
    // This is generally used to indicate the exception in
    // case of exception , will be called whenever exception
    // occurs
        = "execution(* com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.*(..))",
        throwing = "ex")
    public void
    logsAfterThrowingDisplay(JoinPoint jPoint, Exception ex)
            "After Throwing exception in method:"
            + jPoint.getSignature());
        System.out.println("Exception is:"
                           + ex.getMessage());
    // Declares the around advice that is applied before and
    // after the method matching with a pointcut expression
    // Even there are @Before annotations, @Around will be
    // invoked first with the before invocation and then only
    // @Before will be called
    @Around(value = "printLogs()")
    public void
    logsAroundAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint proJoinPoint)
        throws Throwable
            "The method aroundAdvice() before invocation of the method "
            + proJoinPoint.getSignature().getName()
            + " method");
        try {
        finally {
            "The method aroundAdvice() after invocation of the method "
            + proJoinPoint.getSignature().getName()
            + " method");


import com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.EnableAspectJAutoProxy;
// @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation enables support for
// handling the components marked with @Aspect annotation.
public class ImplementationOfDifferentAdvice {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ConfigurableApplicationContext context
        // Fetching the  object from the application
        // context.
        ServiceExample service
            = context.getBean(ServiceExample.class);
        // checking for an employee available in the
        // organization
        String employeeNumber = "emp12345";
        try {
        catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred.."
                               + ex.getMessage());
        // Displaying balance in the account.
        String employeeAccountNumber = "Emp1212";
        try {
        catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred.."
                               + ex.getMessage());
        // Employee has undergone some exams for promotion.
        // Let us check that
        int promotionExamMarks = 650;
        try {
        catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred.."
                               + ex.getMessage());
        // Closing the context object.




1. employeeStatus method
// @around advice begins
The method aroundAdvice() before invocation of the method employeeStatus method

// @before advice 
.............Looking for @Around advice, if none is there, @Before will be called first. My role is to execute before each and every method.............

// execution steps
Inside ....() method
emp12345 is currently active

// @around advice ends
The method aroundAdvice() after invocation of the method employeeStatus method

// @after advice 
.............Looking for @Around advice, if none is there, @After will be called after @Before(if available). My role is to execute after each and every method.............
After Returning method:String com.gfg.examples.service.ServiceExample.employeeStatus(String)

// Similarly it will be done for other methods

In case we have run the method with inputs that cause exceptions, maybe in the below example we can try


// Displaying balance in the account.
String employeeAccountNumber = null;
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("Exception occurred.."
                       + ex.getMessage());



Throughout the samples, if we look, we have used an apt way of providing @Around, @Before, @After, @AfterReturning, and @AfterThrowing advices and in this way, we can implement AOP functionality easily.