Spring Boot – AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming)

The Java applications are developed in multiple layers, to increase security, separate business logic, persistence logic, etc. A typical Java application has three layers namely they are Web layer, the Business layer, and the Data layer.

  • Web layer: This layer is used to provide the services to the end-user using REST API or the web application.
  • Business layer: All the business logic of the application is written and handled in this layer.
  • Data layer: This layer is used to implement the persistence logic of the application.

Note: The java classes whose instances are stored in database tables are called persistent classes. Data layer used to handle the persistent logic.

AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming)

AOP is a programming paradigm whose main aim is to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. AOP does this by adding additional behavior to the existing code without modifying the code itself. It provides functionalities to add new code and behavior separately.

The AOP provides us the flexibility to define all the common concerns in one class and we can define where all these concerns are used and how they are used in a class without modifying it is existing code and applying the new features. This class with all the cross-cutting concerns is modularized into a specific class call Aspect. In order to use AOP, we need to implement the responsibility of aspect in our class called Advice.

The aspect class provides us the flexibility to:

  1. Define each concern in a single class instead of spreading the concerns all over the codebase.
  2. The business layer only contains the primary logic, all the secondary logic and concerns are placed in a single class, aspect.

There are some key terminologies in Aspect-Oriented Programming that are shown in the tabular manner below as follows:

Terminologies Action Performed
Aspect It is a module that provides cross-cutting concerns by encapsulating the advice and pointcuts. An application can have any number of aspects in it. In order to use it, we need to annotate a class with @Aspect annotation.
Advice It is an action that is taken before or after method execution. An action is a block of code that gets invoked during the execution of a program. The Spring AOP framework support five type of advice before, after, after-returning, after-throwing, and around advice. The advice is taken for join points. Advice is applied over the target object.
Pointcuts Pointcuts are the set of join points where the advice is executed. These pointcuts are defined using the expression or pattern.
Join Points It is a place in an application where the AOP Aspect is applied. A join point can be a method execution, exception handling, etc.
Target Object It is an object where the advice is applied. These target objects are proxied
Proxied Target objects are proxied which means during the runtime the target methods are overridden and depending on method configuration, the advice is included in the target object.
Weaving The process of linking the application with the aspect is called weaving. It can be done at load time, compile time and run time.

Why do we need AOP?

In web applications, each of the layers(web, business, and data layer) are responsible for different tasks and they perform these tasks individually. But there are a few common aspects that are applied to each layer such as security, caching, validation, etc. These common aspects are known as Cross-Cutting Concerns.

Remember: The cross-cutting concerns are implemented at multiple places in an application and they affect the entire application.

The implementation of these cross-cutting concerns in each module separately makes the code lengthy also, makes it difficult to manage. In order to overcome this problem, Aspect-Oriented Programming is introduced. In which, we implement these cross-cutting concerns as an aspect and define pointcuts(set of join points) where these aspects should be applied.