How to Insert or Show Power View in Excel?

Power View is one of the features of excel, which enables us to visualize, explore and present large data sets and encourage ad-hoc reporting. The larger data sets can be easily visualized and analyzed in excel using the Power View and this data visualization is dynamic which helps to present the data within a single power view ad-hoc report. Ad-hoc, a Latin word used for “to this”, is also understood to be “as needed” or “as required”. When the reports are created on request it is termed ad-hoc reporting.

Steps to Insert Or Showing Power View

Let’s see how we can insert the power view in our excel document.

Step 1: Adding Power View. By default, Power View is not added to the excel ribbon (tools tab). In order to add it, we need to customize our ribbon. For this, we can use any tab(here, in this example we are using data-tab) Right-Click > Customize the Ribbon


Once we click on the Customize the Ribbon option, excel will open a popup window where we are required to set the Power View option.


As we can see, we do not have a Power View option in our Data menu.

Step 2: Creating A New Group. In this step, we will create a new group for our Power View option. For this Select Data > New Group. This will create a New Group in the Data menu.


Step 3: Rename Group. In this step, we will rename our group. For this Select New Group > Rename. This will open a popup window to rename the group that we have created. (Here, we have renamed the group to Power View).


Once we click OK, our group will be renamed to Power View.

Step 4: Adding Command. In this step, we are required to add command to our Power View group. For this Select Power View > Choose commands from > All Commands.


After choosing All Commands from the drop-down list, we need to scroll-down and choose the Power View option.


After selecting Power View option from the All Commands tab, we need to click on Add button this will include Power View in our custom Power View group, and then click on the OK button.


Step 5: Output. Once we click on OK button, excel will add Power View to our selected tools tab. (Here, it is in Data).