How to Install GitKraken Git GUI on Linux?

GitKraken is software available for Git. Usually, while developing any software, developers develop certain parts of the project. Then they join the parts of the project using Git software. But for any project many innovations developers should make. For implementing new innovations in code developers should implement branch concepts in Git. in a project a huge amount of branches is present. Managing that amount of branches is not an easy task for developers. Also, managing those branches using a simple Git Terminal is next to impossible. That is the reason why developers prefer GitKraken. It is basically a GUI, Graphical User Interface, and provides graphical interfaces which make it easy to understand.


  • GitKraken provides an easy interface to locate the branches made in Git.
  • GitKraken helps to resolve the conflicts made during the merging of any branches.
  • GitKraken also helps to pull requests from the Remote Repository.

Installing GitKraken Git GUI

To install GitKraken Git GUI follow the following steps:

Step 1: At first, open the Linux terminal, then the following command should be run. This command will download the GitKraken to the machine. Wait for a few moments till downloading is completed.



Step 2: Then the following command should be run. This command will unpack the installed GitKraken & start installing. Wait for some time till the installation is completed.

sudo dpkg -i gitkraken-amd64.deb


Step 3: After that, installation is completed. Then search for it in the machine itself. If the process is completed successfully, then GitKraken will be visible successfully.