How to Install Julia on MacOS?

Julia is one of the new programming languages that is becoming popular with time. It is used mainly for scientific data calculations and mathematical analysis. It is becoming popular because it has very fast execution like C and simple syntax like python. It is an open-source language with high performance.

Getting started

Julia Codes can be written, compiled, and Run on multiple platforms like BBEdit on MacOS, Jupyter, etc. Many online IDE’s are also available for Julia. For using it on your own system one can install it in the following ways:

Method 1: Download and Install from Official Site

Follow the steps given below to download and install Julia from its official site:

Step 1: Open and start downloading .dmg file for MacOS(64bit).

Step 2: Start the installation from the dmg file and move the Julia file in the application folder.

Step 3: Now click on Julia icon in applications, it will open terminal as follows :

Step 4: Julia is installed in your system now you can run a file with the next step.

Step 5: Now to run a sample program create a Julia file on any local IDE and save it with “.jl” extension and sample code as follows:

# sample_code
println("Welcome to Julia")

Step 6: Run the above file as follows

Method 2 : Installation using terminal

Julia can also be directly installed from the terminal by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Check for pre-installed versions: Open terminal on your Mac and type the following command:


Step 2: Now download Julia (latest version) by using the following command in your terminal:

brew cask install julia

It will look like this after installation.

Step 3: Now run the julia command as in point 1 and it should appear as following

Step 4: Now to run a sample program go through Step 5 of Method 1.

Now, your system is ready with Julia installed to function properly.