How to Install Py-moviepy on MacOS?

MoviePy is a Python library. this library is used for video editing, including cutting, concatenation, title insertions, video compositing, video processing, custom effect generation, etc. It supports all of the most common audio and video formats, including GIF. It operates on operations systems like Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux with Python 2.7+ and 3 (or only Python 3.4+ from version 1.0). It depends on Numpy, imageio, Decorator, and tqdm python module, these modules will automatically download in your system when you install MoviePy library. For video reading and writing this library depends upon FFMPEG software.

Installing Py-moviepy on MacOS

Method 1: Using pip to install Py-moviepy Package

Follow the below steps to install the Py-moviepy package on macOS using pip:

Step 1: Install the current version of Python3 in macOS. 

Step 2: Check if pip3 and python3 are correctly installed in your system using the following commands:

python3 –version

pip3 –version

Step 3: Upgrade pip3 to avoid errors during the installation process.

pip3 install –upgrade pip

Step 4: Run the following command in prompt to install Py-moviepy using pip3.

pip3 install moviepy

Method 2: Using to install Py-moviepy

Follow the below steps to install the Py-moviepy package on macOS using the file:

Step 1: Download the latest source package of Py-moviepy for python3 from the website.

curl > moviepy.tar.gz

Step 2: Now extract the downloaded package using the given command:

tar -xzvf moviepy.tar.gz

Step 3: Go to the folder and use the following command to install the package.

cd moviepy-1.0.3

python3 install

Note: You must require developer tools for XCode MacOS installed in your computer system.

Verifying Py-moviepy installation on macOS

Use the following import in your Python terminal to verify if the Py-moviepy installation has been done properly or not:

import moviepy

If we do not get any error while importing the module then is not installed properly.