How to Install Python-MoviePy Library on Windows?

There are many important libraries of python are exists one of them is MoviePy, which is an open-source module that is helpful in automated video editing effects like cutting and processing of videos. Automated video editing is used on a large scale worldwide. This is available free of cost and slightly faster than other video editing software. MoviePy depends on the Python modules Numpy, imageio, Decorator, and tqdm, which will be automatically installed during MoviePy’s installation. The other modules which install automatically are done by different functions decorator is used to show the modified audio and Numpy is used to perform mathematical functions, and tqdm means process its function is to make progressing data bars.

Pre Requisites

Here are some prerequisites to installing the MoviePy module on Windows:

  • Python.
  • PIP or Conda (depending upon user preference).

Installing MoviePy on Windows

Method 1: Installing MoviePy using PIP

Step 1: Users who want to use pip for installing the MoviePy module on Windows in the command prompt have to use the command:

pip install moviePy

Once the installation is successfully completed a user gets a message the same as shown picture.


Step 2: To verify that was successfully installed on the system with the pip, run a command in the command window.

pip show moviePy



Method 2: Installing MoviePy by Using Conda

Step 1: Users which use conda to install the peewee module on windows are following these commands in the command window:

conda install -c conda-forge moviePy

Enter Y when prompted for yes. Once the installation is completed, the user gets the message as shown in the picture.


Step 2: To verify that moviePy was successfully installed on the system with conda, run a command in the command window.

conda list moviePy
