How to Install Python Bokeh Library on Windows?

There are different types of data visualization modules in Python like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly among them Bokeh module is one which is used to capsulate information or data in the form of graphs and charts which are embedded in flask and Django applications. This module is also used for making attractive and beautiful graphics, by which users can easily understand complex data.

For installing this open-source module on windows follow the steps given below:

Pre Requisites
Here are some methods for installing the Bokeh library on windows :

  • Python
  • PIP or Conda

(Depending upon user preference).

Installing Bokeh library on Windows

Method 1: Installation Using PIP.

Step 1:  User who wants to use pip for installing the Bokeh module on Windows run the command.

pip install bokeh

Once the installation is successfully completed, get the output.


Step 2:  For verifying that bokeh was successfully installed on the system with the pip, run a command in the command window.

pip show bokeh

The following output is obtained:


Method 2: Installation Using Conda.

Step 1: Users which use conda to install the bokeh module on windows follow these commands.

conda install -c conda-forge bokeh

Enter Y when prompted for yes. Once the installation is completed, get the output.


Step 2: For verifying that  was successfully installed on the system with conda, run a command.

conda list bokeh

The output is obtained: