How to Optimize Images for WordPress?

A WordPress site is a website formed using the WordPress content management system (CMS). For WordPress users, optimizing images is not only essential for bettering site execution but also for enhancing SEO rankings and tempting more users. In this article, we will study a few simple tips to help you optimize images for your WordPress site.

Why Optimize Images?

  • SEO Boost: Search engines like Google, pay attention to how quickly your site loads. If it is slow, they cannot rank it as high in search results. Optimized images help keep your site fast, which can perfect your search engine ranking.
  • Save Space: Large images take up a lot of space on your website’s server. Optimizing them determines the space they require, which indicates you can store more important stuff on your server.
  • Fast Websites: When you optimize images, they load instantly on your website. No one likes holding up for a slow site to load.
  • Better Client Experience: Folks like websites that load faster and easily. Optimized images make sure explorers to your site have a great experience.
  • Mobile Friendliness: Many members browse websites on their phones. Optimized images help make sure your site loads quickly and looks incredible on portable devices as well.

How to Optimize Images for WordPress?

Here is a basic guide to make your images superior for WordPress:

Table of Content

  • Pick the Correct File Type
  • Use CDN (Content Delivery Network)
  • Resize Images
  • Compress Pictures
  • Apply Lazy loading Technique
  • Use Expressive File Names
  • Include Alt Text
  • Cleaning Up Your Media Library
  • Responsive Images

Pick the Correct File Type

When you add images to WordPress, select the right file format. The ordinary ones are JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Each format has its competencies and deficiencies:

  • JPEG: Perfect for photographs and images with lots of colors. It gives great compression without sacrificing image attribute.
  • PNG: Fit for images with transparency or sharp edges, such as logos or symbols. PNGs ordinarily have larger file sizes than JPEGs.
  • GIF: Basically used for animated images. Not prescribed for photographs or images with multiple colors due to limited color support and larger file sizes.

Use CDN (Content Delivery Network)


Content Delivery Network (CDN) stores your website’s records on servers around the world. It has servers distributed over the globe. When client gets to WordPress site, the CDN serves images from the server closest to them. This upgrades loading times, specifically for visitors who are geologically distant from server.

An Example: Using CDN for image optimization in WordPress makes sure that somebody in Tokyo sees pictures load quickly since the images come from a nearby server, not one far away in New York. This means less waiting time, saves internet usage, and makes the entire site feels smoother. Without CDN, people far from the server might wait longer for images, making their browsing experience not as good.

Resize Images

Big images can slow down your website. Use photo editing software or WordPress plugins to resize images to the correct dimensions before uploading. This can be done with free image editing software like GIMP or online tools like TinyPNG.

By default, WordPress gives you four sizes for your images:

  • Thumbnail (150 x 150 pixels)
  • Medium (can be as big as 300 x 300 pixels)
  • Large (can go up to 1024 x 1024 pixels)
  • Full Size (keeps the image in its original size)

Resizing Tools:

  • Photoshop
  • Irfan View- free for Windows

Compress Pictures

Compress pictures to decrease file size without loosing quality. WordPress’ plugins like Smush and Imagify automatically compress images upon upload, saving your time and effort. When compressing your images, be sure to select a compression level that keeps up the desired quality.

Before putting big pictures on WordPress, you can make them littler yourself. Use special software or a free tool called TinyPNG. TinyPNG is not just for PNG images. It also handles other types like WebP and JPEG. Just choose the image you need to shrink, upload it to TinyPNG, and it will do the rest. You can even shrink lots of images all immediately.

Apply Lazy loading Technique

Lazy loading means holding up to load images until they are really needed. It is a trick that can make your web pages load much quicker, Especially if you have lots of images. You can find inactive loading features in numerous WordPress caching plugins. Just turn it on, and your images will load more successfully, giving your site speed boost.

Use Expressive File Names

When saving images for your site, use clear file names that are related to the content of the image. This not only helps with SEO but moreover makes it simpler for search engines to get it the content of your images. For an example, instead of using a filename like “IMG_0023.jpg,” use a filename like “blue-mountain-landscape.jpg”.

Include Alt Text

Alt text (alternative text) is a brief overview of an image. The content you enter in this field will be shown to the client in case the image cannot be loaded. When including images to your WordPress site, be sure to include descriptive alt text that perfectly defines the content of the image. Alt text helps search engines get it what your image is about.

Cleaning Up Your Media Library

It is important to frequently clean up your WordPress media library. Erase unused or outdated images to optimize storage space and database performance. You can do this manually through the WordPress media library, or you can use a plugin like WP Media Cleaner. Before you begin cleaning your WordPress media library, it is truly significant to make a full backup of your WordPress site. This means saving everything just in case something goes wrong during the cleanup. If any issues pop up, you can easily bring your site back to how it was before.

Responsive Images

Pick WordPress theme that is optimized for responsiveness. Responsive themes by default settle the size and resolution of images based on the device and screen size, confirming optimal viewing experience over different devices.

Top WordPress Plugins for Optimizing Images

These plugins make it much easier to make your images just the right size for your website. Instead of spending a lot of time resizing and compressing images by a hand, these plugins do it instantaneously.

  • ShortPixel Image Optimizer
  • EWWW Image Optimizer
  • Optimole Image Optimizer
  • WP Compress
  • Imagify


Using these basic methods, you can optimize images for your WordPress website, develop page load times, upgrade client experience, and boost your site’s execution and improve SEO rankings. Contributing time in image optimization is well worth it, as it can lead to expanded traffic, and higher conversion rates.