How to Rename Files and Folders Using CMD?

Naming files and folders properly is one of the best ways through which you can organize them. We have always renamed files using File Explorer, but did you know that folders can also be renamed via the CMD command?

Everyone knows how to rename a file using File Explorer, however, did you know you can change the name of your files or folders too with the help of CMD instead of using the GUI?

So, in this article, we learn just: how to rename files using the command prompt, easily.

What is CMD?

Command Prompt, commonly abbreviated as CMD, is a command line interpreter software application bundled with most Windows NT-based operating systems family versions. This software allows the users to enter commands through the keyboard and perform tasks such as executing scripts or running batch files. Aside from executing commands one at a time, the Interpreter can handle operators and functions and presents true running scripts and other formats.

The CMD helps system administrators greatly due to the many advanced functions it offers in administration away from the GUI. Also, it improves the effectiveness of system administration. It can also be used to fix some Windows-related issues and help troubleshoot. This is a very important resource for everyday users and IT professionals. Now, let’s understand how can we simply rename a file in the command prompt

Steps to Rename Files and Folders Using CMD

Let’s go through a quick walkthrough of the steps involved in renaming files in cmd:

Step 1: Opening CMD

To rename a file in the command prompt, open CMD by pressing both ‘Windows’ as well as ‘R’ on your keyboard simultaneously then open up the ‘Run’ Eradication Box through which type “cmd” and click the OK key thus opening the Command Prompt window.

Step 2: Getting to the Directory- using the ‘cd’ Command

When you have the CMD window open, go to the directory where the file or folder that you want to rename is located. You can make this possible by using the ‘cd’ command plus the path to the directory. For example, should the file be found under the ‘Documents’ folder type ‘cd Documents’ then hit ‘Enter’.”

Step 3: Renaming Files and Folders – The ‘ren’ Command

You can use the command ‘ren’ for moving files. Let’s say we have a folder with the old name ‘Miss_named’ which we want to rename as ‘CorrectFolder’ using the command ‘ren Miss_named CorrectFolder’. For changing the name of any document or directory through the prompt type ‘ren oldname newname’ where the original filename/foldername (oldname) goes before space in single quotes followed by spaces and then what you would like it to be referred to as (newname) also in single quotes once more before hitting Enter on your keyboard.

Step 4: Renaming Multiple Files – using Wildcard Characters

By using CMD, the renaming of multiple files simultaneously is possible. You can do that by using the wildcard character ‘*’. A good example would be when you have files in numerical order which look like ‘file1.txt’, and ‘file2.txt’ thereby having a file name beginning with “file” followed by numbers. If one wanted them within this order changed to have doc instead for example doc1.doc doc2.doc he/ she would type in ren file*.txt doc*.txt.

Important Points to Remember

It’s crucial to remember that when using the command prompt to rename files and folders, there is no ‘undo’ option. Take care to double-check your commands before pressing ‘Enter’.

Furthermore, if the filename or folder name contains spaces, ensure to enclose the name in double quotes. For example, ‘ren “old file.txt” “new file.txt”‘.


Using the command prompt to rename files and folders in Windows can be a powerful tool for effective file management. It can significantly enhance your efficiency, particularly when dealing with a large number of files.

Remember to use the correct syntax and caution when executing commands, as changes cannot be undone. With practice, you will become adept at using the command prompt for various file management tasks, making your digital life that much easier.

Rename Files & Folders using the Command Prompt – FAQs

What command do I use to rename files or folders in the command prompt?

The ‘ren’ command is used to rename files or folders in CMD. The basic syntax is ‘ren oldname newname’, where ‘oldname’ is the current name of the file or folder, and ‘newname’ is the name you want to change it to.

Can I rename multiple files at once using the command prompt?

Yes, you can rename multiple files at once using a wildcard character ‘*’. For example, ‘ren file*.txt doc*.txt’ would rename all files starting with ‘file’ and ending with ‘.txt’ to start with ‘doc’ instead.

Can I undo a rename command in CMD?

No, there is no ‘undo’ option when using CMD to rename files and folders. It’s crucial to double-check your commands before pressing ‘Enter’.