How to reverse a number in MATLAB?

In this article, we will discuss the “Reversing of a number” in MATLAB that can be done using the multiple methods which are illustrated below.

Using str2num()

The str2num() function is used to convert the specified character array or string to a numeric array.

Syntax:  str2num(chr)

Parameters: This function accepts a parameter .

  • char: This is the specified character array or string.



% MATLAB code for str2num()
% Calling the str2num() functions
% over the character 10



ans =  10

Using fliplr()

The fliplr() function is used to flip the specified number from left to right.

Syntax: fliplr(num)

Parameters: This function accepts a parameter.

  • num: This is the specified number.




% MATLAB code for fliplr()
% Calling the fliplr() function
% over a number string '123'



ans = 321

Using str2num(), fliplr(), and num2str()

 The num2str() function is used to convert the specified numbers to a character array.

Syntax: num2str(num)

Parameters: This function accepts a parameter.

  • num: This is the specified number.



% MATLAB code for reversing a specified number
% using the combination of str2num(), fliplr()
% and num2str()
% Specifying a number to reverse
Number = 2468
% Calling the combination of three functions
% str2num(), fliplr(), and num2str()
% over the above number to reverse
Reversed_Number = str2num(fliplr(num2str(Number)))



Number =  2468
Reversed_Number =  8642

Using polyval( ) and num2str( )

The polyval(p, x) function is used to return the value of a polynomial of degree n evaluated at x. The input argument p is a vector of length n+1 whose elements are the coefficients in descending powers of the polynomial to be evaluated.

Syntax: polyval(p, x)

Parameters: This function accepts two parameters,

  • p: This is the specified input vector of length n+1.
  • x: This is the specified matrix or vector or array.


% MATLAB code for polyval() for reverse a number
% Specifying a number to reverse
Number = 3579
% Calling the num2str() over the
% above number
s = num2str(Number) - '0';
% Calling the polyval() function
Reversed_Number = polyval(s(end:-1:1),10)



Number =  3579
Reversed_Number =  9753

Using flip( ) and  sprintf()

The sprintf() function is used to format the data into a string or character vector.

Syntax:  sprintf(formatSpec, A1, …, An)

Here,   sprintf(formatSpec, A1, …, An) is used to format the data in arrays A1,…, An uses the formatting operators specified by formatSpec and returns the resulting text in str.




% MATLAB code for reverse a number
% using flip() and sprintf()
% Calling the flip() function over the
% sprintf() function with number
% 5678 as its parameter to reverse
Reversed_Number = flip(sprintf('%d', 5678), 2)



Reversed_Number = 8765