How to Use ChatGPT for Career Advice: Top 7 Prompts

Career counseling is an expensive thing and five years back, who would have thought that you could use AI tools like ChatGPT for career advice?

But we have come a long way and AI tools have become really good. These tools are intuitive enough to provide you with some really great suggestions for career advancements.

ChatGPT analyses elements in your prompt and using those elements it generates pretty great outputs. In this blog, we will look at some of the best prompts that you can use to get free career advice from ChatGPT. These prompts will be in the form of templates, so you can just fill in the data according to your field of interest and domain, ChatGPT will handle the rest.

How to Use ChatGPT for Career Advice: Top 7 Prompts

  • 7 ChatGPT Prompts for Career Advice
  • Prompt 1
  • Prompt 2
  • Prompt 3
  • Prompt 4
  • Prompt 5
  • Prompt 6
  • Prompt 7
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – How to Use ChatGPT for Career Advice: Top 7 Prompts

7 ChatGPT Prompts for Career Advice

ChatGPT is here to act as the free career counselor, all set to help you advance in your career. Let us look at some of the best prompts that you can use to extract some great career advice from ChatGPT:

Prompt 1

If you are in the early phase of your career and planning for a career in your domain but don’t know anything about it. Well, ChatGPT is here and you can ask it to design a career path to get into your preferred career.


I’m a high school pass-out looking forward to a career in game design. Create a career path in chronological order to become a game designer.


How it helps:

  • You can use this prompt and replace what you want to pursue as a career.
  • By asking for a chronological plan, you will get an outline of the actions that you should take to achieve your desired career.

Prompt 2

You can also take the help of ChatGPT to understand the work profile of your desired role. It will help you understand what are the things that a particular job role requires to perform as everyday tasks.


What are the everyday duties of an Investment banker?


How it helps:

  • Understanding the everyday duties and work of a job profile helps you understand the profile better.
  • You familiarise yourself with the duties you will be required to perform in that job role which will help you focus better on the core areas.

Prompt 3

Tired of your current job role and looking for a career transition, ChatGPT is here to help. You can use ChatGPT to generate a smooth process guiding you through the career transition phase.


Give a step-by-step career transition guide for someone working in the Finance sector to become a Content Writer


How it helps:

  • ChatGPT can provide you with a step-by-step guide which will help you transition into your desired workspace pretty seamlessly.
  • It will give you an action plan to act upon with exact checkpoints that will help you with the transition.

Prompt 4

Stuck in a phase and finding it challenging to progress in your current job role, consult ChatGPT for effective ways to achieve your desired promotion. You can ask ChatGPT to provide you with the most effective things that you can do to increase the probability of that progression in your career that you always wanted.


What can I do to progress as a Financial Analyst whose current job is limited to processing transactions?


How it Helps:

  • Based on your Prompt ChatGPT will present you with some actionable steps.
  • These steps will lead you to become a better version of your current job profile and therefore lead you to progress in your career.

Prompt 5

Ever wondered what should be your next step in order to be better at what you do? Some skills or formal education can elevate your resume and give you a more intense job profile in your current role. Let us look at how ChatGPT can help you upgrade your skill set in the right direction.


I’m a Graphic Designer limited to editing photos and videos. What are the new skills and courses that can help me in my current role?


How it Helps:

  • This will prompt ChatGPT to provide you with some of the alternative and corroborative skills.
  • These skills will help you level up and perform better in your current work domain.
  • Moreover looking at the output for this prompt we found out that ChatGPT will suggest some courses and skills that will help you become a complete package in the current domain.

Prompt 6

In a dynamic world, it is a must to keep yourself up to date with the current trends and skills in demand. If it wasn’t for ChatGPT you would have to conduct thorough research and consult the industry experts to learn about the ongoing trends and skills in demand.


As a Social Media manager specialising in Meta products, what are the ongoing trends and skills for me to develop and excel at?


How it Helps:

  • This prompt will help you identify new avenues which will aid you in getting better in your current work and put you on a path to gain specialised knowledge in your role.
  • Learning is a never-ending phase and to grow in your career you will be required to acquire the correct skillset and keep upgrading yourself with the ongoing trend.

Prompt 7

Last but not least, ChatGPT can also provide you with some great advice to create a work-life balance. We as humans struggle with time management and prioritizing things in life. ChatGPT can provide you with some logical suggestions to achieve that work-life balance and lead an emotionally healthy work as well as personal life.


How do I maintain a healthy work-life balance and give some tips for someone struggling to achieve work-life balance?


How it Helps:

  • A human is unable to keep emotions aside, intentionally or not, in any decision-making.
  • ChatGPT being an algorithm-backed AI tool provides you with logic-backed suggestions without inducing emotions into decision making.
  • You will be provided with a myriad of alternatives so that even if some of those feel unattainable you can always shuffle and switch to other alternatives.


Wrapping up the blog, it is not wrong to say that using ChatGPT for career advice can replace the career counselling sessions in our lives. It is an intuitive tool with a huge database of knowledge which allows it to generate responses which are both logically correct and practically possible.

In this article, we also looked at the 7 prompts to be used in ChatGPT for career advice. You can tweak these prompts according to your role and job profile to get personalised responses according to your needs. With ChatGPT on your side, you can get that boost in your career and save a lot of time and money, seamlessly.

FAQs – How to Use ChatGPT for Career Advice: Top 7 Prompts

Can ChatGPT be used for career counselling?

Yes, ChatGPT is an intuitive AI tool which can generate great responses based on your prompt. It can be used for career counselling if provided with elaborate prompts.

How do you use chat bot for career advice?

Chat bots can generate accurate response when it comes to career advices. All you have to do is use the right words in your prompt and it will generate great career advice for you.

What is an AI bot for career advice?

AI bots are chatbots that can generate responses based on your prompt and when they are backed with a huge database align with NLP, it can generate accurate career advice.