How to Use Functions Console in Firebase?

A serverless framework called Cloud Functions for Firebase enables you to automatically execute backend code in response to events brought on by Firebase features and HTTPS requests. Your JavaScript or TypeScript code is run in a controlled environment and is stored in Google’s cloud. You don’t have to scale and manage your own servers.

Let’s see what all things can Functions help us in the Firebase Console:

Particulars Features
Incorporates the platform Firebase Use the Admin SDK and Cloud Functions to integrate different Firebase capabilities, and create your own webhooks to integrate with external services. By reducing boilerplate code, Cloud Functions makes it simpler to include Google Cloud and Firebase into your function.
Keeps your reasoning secure and hidden. To prevent manipulation on the client side, developers frequently choose to regulate application logic on the server. Additionally, sometimes it’s not a good idea to permit reverse engineering of such code. You can be sure that Cloud Functions is private and always carries out your instructions because it is completely isolated from the client.
Say no to maintenance  Use the command line to send a single command to our servers to deploy your JavaScript or TypeScript program. After that, Firebase adjusts its scaling of computer resources to meet your users’ consumption patterns. You never have to bother about login information, server configuration, setting up new servers, or taking down existing ones.

We’ve selected Cloud Firestore and HTTP-triggered JavaScript functions for this sample in part because the Firebase Local Emulator Suite allows for full testing of these background triggers. Additionally supported by this toolkit are callable triggers for Realtime Database, PubSub, Auth, and HTTP. With the aid of toolkits not covered on this page, it is possible to interactively test other categories of background triggers, including Remote Config, TestLab, and Analytics triggers.

Now let’s see what goes behind the scenes to achieve this functionality, Google’s servers start managing a function as soon as you build and deploy it. If the function is a background one, Google’s servers will monitor events and perform the function when it is triggered. Alternatively, you can call the function directly with an HTTP request.

Google adjusts the number of virtual server instances required to run your function quickly as the load rises or falls. Each function operates independently, with its own setup and environment.

Without further ado, let’s start doing hands-on and see the steps required to implement the Functions

Image 1: Upgrading your project to the Blaze plan would be required

Step 1: Init the Firebase Core

Initialize Cloud Functions in your Firebase project after installing the Firebase CLI.

Step 2: Start with writing

You will then be required to write the functions which you want to execute in the Firebase Console and then process it. To handle events from Firebase services, Google Cloud services, or other event providers, write JavaScript code (or TypeScript code to transpile at deployment).

Step 3: Test before the deployment

You will need to test the function after you have written them so that you can check whether they are working as you intend them to.

Step 4: Deploy the Function

Utilize the Firebase CLI to deploy your functions and enable billing for your project. To view and search through your logs, use the Google Cloud Console.


In many instances, it is best to control application logic on the server to prevent client-side manipulation. You can be sure that Cloud Functions’ functions are private, secure, and impossible to reverse engineer because it is completely isolated from the client, hence firebase functions can keep your code and logic secure.