How To Use Images as Backgrounds in Tkinter?

Prerequisite: Python GUI – tkinter , Frame

In this article, We are going to write a program use image in the background. In Tkinter, there is no in-built function for images, so that it can be used as a background image. It can be done with various methods:

Method 1: Using photoimage methods.

When it comes to GUI based application, images play a vital role. From the application icon to animation, it’s useful.

To display images in labels, buttons, canvases, and text widgets, the PhotoImage class is used, which is present in Tkinter package.



# Import module 
from tkinter import *
# Create object 
root = Tk()
# Adjust size 
# Add image file
bg = PhotoImage(file = "Your_image.png")
# Show image using label
label1 = Label( root, image = bg) = 0, y = 0)
label2 = Label( root, text = "Welcome")
label2.pack(pady = 50)
# Create Frame
frame1 = Frame(root)
frame1.pack(pady = 20 )
# Add buttons
button1 = Button(frame1,text="Exit")
button2 = Button( frame1, text = "Start")
button2.pack(pady = 20)
button3 = Button( frame1, text = "Reset")
button3.pack(pady = 20)
# Execute tkinter


As you can see the background color of buttons and labels have different from the image color.

The solution is to set the background color of buttons and label it as the color of the image with this color  “#88cffa” .


# Import module 
from tkinter import *
# Create object 
root = Tk()
# Adjust size 
# Add image file
bg = PhotoImage( file = "Your_img.png")
# Show image using label
label1 = Label( root, image = bg) = 0,y = 0)
# Add text
label2 = Label( root, text = "Welcome",
               bg = "#88cffa")
label2.pack(pady = 50)
# Create Frame
frame1 = Frame( root, bg = "#88cffa")
frame1.pack(pady = 20)
# Add buttons
button1 = Button( frame1, text = "Exit")
button1.pack(pady = 20)
button2 = Button( frame1, text = "Start")
button2.pack(pady = 20)
button3 = Button( frame1, text = "Reset")
button3.pack(pady = 20)
# Execute tkinter


Note: This method will not work for multiple colors in image.

Method 2: Using Canvas methods.


  • Same as above implementation.
  • Add Image file.
  • Create Canvas and set width and height.
  • Display image using create_image.
  • Set text using create_text.
  • Create buttons.
  • Final step add button using create_window.



# Import module 
from tkinter import *
# Create object 
root = Tk()
# Adjust size 
# Add image file
bg = PhotoImage(file = "Your_img.png")
# Create Canvas
canvas1 = Canvas( root, width = 400,
                 height = 400)
canvas1.pack(fill = "both", expand = True)
# Display image
canvas1.create_image( 0, 0, image = bg, 
                     anchor = "nw")
# Add Text
canvas1.create_text( 200, 250, text = "Welcome")
# Create Buttons
button1 = Button( root, text = "Exit")
button3 = Button( root, text = "Start")
button2 = Button( root, text = "Reset")
# Display Buttons
button1_canvas = canvas1.create_window( 100, 10
                                       anchor = "nw",
                                       window = button1)
button2_canvas = canvas1.create_window( 100, 40,
                                       anchor = "nw",
                                       window = button2)
button3_canvas = canvas1.create_window( 100, 70, anchor = "nw",
                                       window = button3)
# Execute tkinter
