How to write 1.5 billion in numbers?

In Mathematics, the Number system is used to represent/specify the numbers. There are different types of number systems available. They are the Decimal number system, Binary number system, Octal number system, and Hexadecimal number system. The number system provides a unique representation of each number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic structure of the figures. 

The value of any digit can be determined mainly by three measures. Those are,

  • The digit.
  • Position of a digit in the number
  • The number system.

Mostly in mathematics, numbers are considered in the decimal number system if not specified particularly. Let’s look into a few important numeric representations

Number in words

Numeric Form


1 (or) 1 × 100


10 (or) 1 × 101

One Hundred

100 (or) 1 × 102

One Thousand

1000 (or) 1 × 103

Ten Thousand

10000 (or) 1 × 104

One Lakh

100000 (or) 1 × 105

Ten Lakhs/One Million

1000000 (or) 1 × 106

One Crore/Ten Million

10000000 (or) 1 × 107

Ten Crore/Hundred Million

100000000 (or) 1 × 108

Thousand Million/One Billion

1000000000 (or) 1 × 109

How to write 1.5 billion in numbers?


To write 1.5 billion in numbers simply multiply the 1.5 with 109.

1.5 × 109 = 1500000000

This can be easily represented with thousand separators as 1,500,000,000

1.5 billion can also be called as 1500 Million as 1 Billion = 1000 Million.

Shortly a billion is represented as 1B. So 1.5 Billion is shortened as 1.5B

Similar Questions

Question 1: How to write 10 billion in numbers?


To write 10 billion in numbers simply multiply the 10 with 109 or append 9 zeroes after 10.

10 × 109 = 10000000000

This can be easily represented with thousand separators as 10,000,000,000

Question 2: Represent 2 billion in million forms.


We know that 1 billion = 1000 Millions

So 2 billion = 2000 millions (i.e., 2 × 1000)

To write 2 billion in numbers simply multiply the 2 with 109 or append 9 zeroes after 2.

2 × 109 = 2,000,000,000

Question 3: Represent 500 million in Billion form.


1 Billion = 1000 Million -> (1)

Divide the above equation with 2,

1/2 Billion = 1000/2 Million

0.5 Billion = 500 Million.

So 500 Billion is equal to 0.5 Billion

In numeric form it is equal to 0.5 × 109 = 500,000,000.

Question 4: How to represent 10 crores in numeric form?


To write 10 crores in numbers simply multiply the 10 with 107 or append 7 zeroes after 10.

10 × 107 = 10,00,00,000

In short 10 Crores can be represented as 10C.

Question 5: Represent a Billion in crores.


We know that 1 Billion can be represented as 1×109 in numeric form.

1 crore = 1 × 107

Divide the two quantities,

(1 × 109)/(1 × 107) = 102

= 100

The resultant 100 is the crore form for a billion.

So 1 billion = 100 crores.

Question 6: Represent 1 crore in billion forms.


We know that 1 crore can be represented as 1×107 in numeric form.

1 billion = 1 × 109

Divide the two quantities,

(1 × 107)/(1 × 109) = 1/102

= 1/100

= 0.01

The resultant 0.01 is the billion form for a crore.

So 1 crore = 0.01billion.

The number form of 0.01 billion is,

0.01 × 109 = 1 × 107

= 10,000,000

Question 7: How to write 20Million in numbers?


To write 20 million in numbers simply multiply the 20 with 106 or append 6 zeroes after 20.

20 × 106 = 20000000

This can be easily represented with thousand separators as 20,000,000